Trends in substance use disorders among Afghan women aged 18 and above admitted in treatment facilities in Afghanistan


Mr. Muhammad Ayub (⚑ Pakistan) 1

1. The Colombo Plan


Afghanistan is home to nearly 4 million drugs users, or close to 10 per cent of the total population. US department of state (INL) has been funding substance use treatment program since 2006 through its international implementing partners Colombo Plan and UNODC. The August 2021 events have left most of the country’s drug treatment and rehabilitation centers struggling to cope.

Operational for the last over 10 years, eight residential treatment programs for women drug users are situated in five urban capitals of the provinces Kabul, Herat, Balkh, Badakhshan, Farah and Nangarhar. These programs have a combined capacity of 250 beds and are run by three NGOs namely WADAN, SSAWO and ARC.

Data of clients admitted for residential treatment in last five years (2019-2023) has been analyzed to determine trends in substance use pattern among women clients accessing substance use treatment in Afghanistan.

A total of 5089 women clients admitted in these treatment programs in last five years including 958 in 2019, 1023 in 2020, 1088 in 2021, 993 in 2022 and 1027 in 2023. The data also show gradual increase in the average age of clients reported as 29 years in 2019 to 30 years in 2021 and 32 years in 2023.

Regarding the types of drugs, opiates (heroine and opium) use remained the major drug of use over five years with slight decrease from 84% in 2019 to 80% in 2023. Use of Crystal Meth (Amphetamines) reported slight increase over the five years with 10% clients admitted in 2019 to 14% clients in 2023. Significant increase from 1% in 2019 to 5% in 2023 was observed in the use of prescription drugs (sedatives). However, rate of other drugs use including cannabis and prescription drugs (painkiller) remained consistent with average of 2% and 1% respectively over the last five years.

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