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15th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting

Event Date

On behalf of the Scientific and Local Organising Committees, we are delighted to announce that the 15th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting will be held in Cremona, Italy from 11th to 13th September 2024. Workshops and project meetings are scheduled for the pre-conference day, 10th September.

Master di secondo livello in Medicina delle Dipendenze

Il Master di II livello in Medicina delle Dipendenze offre una formazione specialistica avanzata nella diagnosi, nel trattamento e nella prevenzione delle dipendenze patologiche. Attraverso gli interventi di esperti nazionali e...
Master medicina delle dipendenze

Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit conclusions

Following the conclusion of the Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit, we are still enthusiastic to have met so many partners in person and for the good outcome of the event, which was possible thanks to the availability and contribution of every single person.
Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit conclusions and final declaration

Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit

Event Date
Join the upcoming Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit taking place from 2-5 May, 2023. The Summit is a unique opportunity to gather and engage in discussions with leading experts, professionals, activists, and Red Cross and Red Crescent leaders in a participatory meeting designed based on participants' national and international experiences.
Rome Consensus 2.0 humanitarian drug policy harm reduction