David Sidney Mangwegape

David Sidney Mangwegape is Nurse Educator within the Department of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing at Institute of Health Sciences-Lobatse. He is a licensed Advanced Psychiatric Nurse specialist and an International Accredited Professional (ICAP II). He is also a columnist with The Midweek Sun anchoring the column "The Mental Health Series" where he shares insights on mental health and addiction disorders. He is a Treasurer for the newly established Botswana Association of Addiction Professionals (ISSUP Botswana Chapter). Having recently published a chapter that was peer reviewed, he is keen to pursue further research on mental health and drug demand reduction


Voices of ISSUP - David Sidney Mangwegape, Day 4, 19:17-19:38

Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 15th May, 2022 Abstract: Voices of ISSUP - David Sidney Mangwegape Voices of ISSUP ISSUP members share their inspiring stories of...