Samuel Tiburi Bettiol

Samual Bettiol

Graduated in Business Administration with an MBA in Marketing. Specialist in digital communication working for more than 10 years in the field of treatment and prevention related to drug use disorder.

Operational Manager of Freemind and Issup Brasil having participated in more than 40 events related to the theme. Operational responsible for 7 international congresses and various activities related to prevention.

Specialist in drug use prevention, certified by the INEP program and also by the Drug Prevention Course in Schools and Communities given by the UTRIP Institute. Being one of the seven chosen to compose the Advisory Committee and selected as its chair.

Extensive experience in the field of prevention and digital communication. Positioning the Freemind news portal as the most accessed related to the topic. With more than 10,000 monthly visits with an average visit time of more than 4 minutes.


Prevention Pilot Project - City of Campinas/Brazil

These actions to prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs are based on scientific evidence. In this way, we will be measuring the current situation and measuring it before the beginning and at the end of the work, thus being able to demonstrate the results.

These results will give rise to a publication of a scientific nature that should become a very important reference in the elaboration of more realistic and efficient municipal public policies regarding prevention.

Use a methodology supported by 3 axes:

  1. Research
  2. Capabilities/Trainings
  3. Communication


Buenos Aires - 2023 - Día 2 - Panel - Prácticas de Prevención

Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 20th of April, 2023 Moderadora: Valeria Fratto, ISSUP Argentina Prevención Comunitaria en Chile e Índice Comunal de Prevención: Instrumento para la Toma de...

Educational Prevention, Day 3, Track 1, 09:00-10:30

Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 14th May, 2022 Presentations: Role of Civil Society Institutions In Prevention Of Drugs And Psychotropic Substances During COVID-19...