Join us at the COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS this week!

Dear friends and colleagues, 

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is starting very soon! In fact, tomorrow, Monday, 14 March 2022. 

Once again, all sessions, as well as the side events, are to be held online due to the pandemic. The good thing about that means that, you can still follow the plenaries and the side events! That’s why we thought that you might appreciate having all the links in one place.




There will be also many, many, many side events on all aspects of drug control! Here’s the events in which we are involved!

We are also continuously posting the news of the upcoming events the day before on Twitter (@UNODC_PTRS)

All times in Central European Time (Vienna time)!!!!

Monday, 14 March 2022 

  • 12.15-13.05 Increasing social capital through protective factors of drug use initiation organized by Iceland with the support of Chile, and the Movendi International, the Institute Utrip, the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the Planet Youth and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section
    Registration link:


  • 13.10-14.00 Mainstreaming a gender perspective in the treatment of drug use disorders organized by Sweden with the support of Mexico, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section and the World Health Organization 
    side event ink:


  • 13.10-14.00 Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Substance Use: Innovative Solutions to Reduce Disparities and Improve Health Outcomes organized by the United States with the support of Canada, Chile, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section 
    side event link:
    Meeting Number (access code): 2764 770 5794
    Meeting password: 3aKVPt92396 (32587892 from phones)


Tuesday, 15 March 2022 

  • 08.00-08.50 Preventive Drug Education: Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic organized by Singapore with the support of the ASEAN Training Center for Preventive Drug Education and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section
    side event link:




  • 12.15-13.05 Feasibility and need of life and social skills programmes in the context of COVID19 and lessons learned through the pandemic organized by the International Association of Lions Clubs with the support of the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section 
  • side event link:
  • 13.10-14.00 The Humanitarian approach to drug policy: opportunities and challenges for an effective cooperation between public authorities and health-based organizations organized by Italy with the support of the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs 
    side event link:
  • 13.10-14.00 Community Empowerment in providing low-threshold & primary drug treatment organized by Indonesia with the support of Japan, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section 
    side event link: 'join the meeting here'

Wednesday, 17 March 2022 

  • 12.15-13.10 #Leaving no one behind: Addressing substance use disorders in humanitarian settings by providing access to services for displaced populations and host communities in acute and protracted emergencies organized by the UNODC Prevention Treatment Rehabilitation Section with the support of Ecuador, the United States, and the New York NGO Committee on Drugs, the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and the World Health Organization 
    side event link:
  • 13.10-14.00 From Coercion to Cohesion: Increased access to health care services for people with drug use disorders and associated mental health disorders in contact with the criminal justice setting organized by the UNODC Justice Section with the support of Indonesia, Kenya, the United States, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section, the African Union Commission, the New York NGO Committee on Drugs, the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and the World Health Organization 
    side event link:
  • 13.10-14.00 Mapping of Drug-Associated Disorder Treatment Services and its impact on human development: Joint UNDP-UNODC Pernambuco’s experience in Brazil and other successful research organized by the United Nations Development Programme with the support of Brazil, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section 
    registration link:


Thursday, 17 March 

  • 08.00-08.50 Long-Term Effects Intra-Uterus Exposure to Synthetic Opioids organized by the UNODC Liaison Office in Geneva with the support of Canada, and the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Service 
    side event link: 'join the meeting here'
  • 12.15-13.05 Victim of trafficking in the drug treatment system: towards a comprehensive and inclusive COVID- 19 health response organized by the UNODC Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section with the support of the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section
  • side event link: 
  • 13.10-14.00 Increasing and ensuring access to essential controlled medicines, including during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic organized by El Salvador and the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, the Union for International Cancer Control, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section and the World Health Organization 
    side event link:
  • 13.10-14.00 Drug Use, Mental health and HIV among People in Prison Settings organized by Namibia with the support of the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section 
    side event link: 'join the meeting here'
  • 13.10-14.00 Promoting Evidence-Based Interventions of Civil Society in Collaboration with Member States and International Organizations organized by the Association Proyecto Hombre with the support of Spain, Uruguay, and the Dianova International, the Global Research Institute Foundation, the Red Iberoamericana ONGs que trabajan en Drogas y Adicciones, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs 
    side event link:


Friday, 18 March 2022 

  • 09.00-09.50 The possibilities of early, proactive interventions to reduce risk on developing substance use disorders (SUD) in adolescents and young adults: A public mental health approach organized by Belgium with the support of Japan, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the European Federation of Addiction Societies, the European Psychiatric Association, the International Society of Addiction Medicine and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section
    side event link: passcode: 877532 
  • 13.10-14.00 Disparities in access to internationally controlled essential medicines in the Caribbean organized by the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care with the support of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section 
    registration link:


Looking forward to seeing you all, at least virtually!


Giovanna and your friends at the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section

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