ISSUP Pakistan

Statement from ISSUP on the terms of our relationship with ISSUP Pakistan 1st November 2023

ISSUP is disappointed to share the news that our operation in Pakistan is currently on hold. Whilst we are in the process of re-establishing the National Chapter, we hope that you will find resources and professional support via the ISSUP website.

The legal entity called ‘ISSUP Pakistan’ will not be recognised as implementing the mission of ISSUP in Pakistan, and ISSUP has requested that they discontinue use of the ISSUP name, our logo and intellectual property.

If you were an ISSUP Pakistan member, please be assured that you will remain an ISSUP member, and we will continue to include you in our communications and activities. Your membership certificates and My ISSUP profile remain valid.

We thank you for your support of ISSUP and look forward to bringing you news on how ISSUP will work in Pakistan in the future. 

Best wishes for your drug demand reduction work.


This piece of content is not translated in پښتو‎. View the original content in انګرېزي here.

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