ICUDDR/ISSUP Travel Award Program

The deadline for submitting applications is now closed.

ICUDDR and ISSUP are accepting applications for the Travel Award Program to help with the costs of in-person attendance at the 2024 Joint Global conference in Thessaloniki. These awards are being supported by NIDA.

ICUDDR/ISSUP anticipate supporting approximately 4 awards for the conference. Travel award recipients will be reimbursed for round trip travel, lodging, visa fee and per diem.  Awardees are required to submit receipts for expenses and will be reimbursed for up to $2500. Note that a single applicant may receive only one travel award per year.


University faculty and/or practitioners in Harm Reduction, Prevention, Treatment or Recovery Support and early to mid-career investigators (who are not more than 10 years past their doctoral degree) conducting substance use and addiction research or practice. Additionally, undergraduate, graduate and medical students, post-doctoral students are eligible to apply, and other trainees, including those from underrepresented groups, are encouraged to apply. You must have submitted an abstract for the ICUDDR-ISSUP conference and Facility members should be members of ICUDDR.

Application Submission Information

Each application must include 1) the completed application form and 2) a resume or curriculum vitae, that includes a list of publications to date and professional activities. 

Deadlines to apply for Travel Awards

  • 2024 ICUDDR/ISSUP Joint Conference: midnight EST on March 1, 2024.

Selection & Notification

ICUDDR/ISSUP seeks to provide awards to individuals from various career stages whose attendance will advance their relevant program of teaching, research, and/or practice.  Priority will be given to those who have submitted a poster or oral presentation for the conference.  Applicants will be notified about the award decision no less than 45 days prior to the meeting. (May 10, 2024)


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