Dias de especialista do ISSUP

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Estamos empolgados em anunciar nossa série de webinar ISSUP Expert Days.

Os Dias de Especialistas do ISSUP oferecem oportunidades para aqueles que trabalham na prevenção, tratamento e recuperação do uso de substâncias aprenderem e se desenvolverem por meio do contato direto com especialistas.

Participe de webinars, revise webinars gravados e entrevistas, sessões de Perguntas e Respostas e use os diversos recursos, ferramentas, materiais e documentos para informar sua própria prática.


Upcoming ISSUP Webinars

, Istanbul, Turquia
Presented by: YATAN PAL SINGH BALHARA, Rabia Bilici, Mehmet Serhat YILDIRIMEvent language:




ISSUP presents the formal online launch of ISSUP Türkiye National Chapter and presentation on Gaming and Gaming Disorders
, Abidjan, Costa do Marfim
Presented by: KOUMA Ronsard Odonkor, N'GUESSAN Badou Roger, Oumar SILUEEvent language:


L'ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire vous invite cordialement à son webinaire sur l'Alternative à l'incarcération pour les usagers de drogues
, London, Reino Unido
Event language:


O ISSUP apresenta seu próximo webinar em 21 de maio sobre "Intervenções para apoiar indivíduos sem-teto com problemas de uso de substâncias no Reino Unido".
, Cape Town, África do Sul
Event language:


ISSUP South Africa cordially invites you to join its upcoming two part webinar series on Substance Use Disorders and Oral Health

Past ISSUP Webinars

, Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos
Presented by: Ibrahim KhafagyEvent language:


ISSUP UAE presents its webinar on Pharmacotherapy Services in Rehabilitation Settings.
, Kuala Lumpur, Malásia
Presented by: Sobia Aftab, Maria Corazon Dumlao, Susan MauaEvent language:


ISSUP Malaysia presents a webinar on the Challenges in Implementing an Effective Prevention Program
, Beirut, Líbano
Presented by: Bechara GhaouiEvent language:


​​​​​​​ISSUP Lebanon presents a webinar on Strategies in Media and Social Media for Substance Use Prevention.
, Madrid, Espanha
Presented by: Wadih Maalouf, Oriol Esculies, Natalia ZachartziEvent language:




ISSUP España presenta un webinar sobre Prevención Global de Adicciones.
, London, Reino Unido
Presented by: James Harvey at ISSUP, Joanna at ISSUP, Rasha Abi Hana at ISSUP, Roger Weimann, Rachele DoniniEvent language:




ISSUP and the ISSUP National Chapters Advisory Committee present a dynamic webinar designed to help you access resources and maximize the benefits of our online tools.
, London, Reino Unido
Presented by: Michele Worobiec, Anja Busse, Mariano Montenegro, Antonio LombaEvent language:




ISSUP and ICATI webinar on Alternatives to Incarceration.
, Lagos, Nigéria
Presented by: Kingsley OkonodaEvent language:


Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (21st Session).
, Abu Dhabi, Emirados Árabes Unidos
Presented by: Mohammad TashtoushEvent language:


ISSUP UAE presents its webinar on Pharmacy Automation in Rehabilitation Centres
, Staffordshire, Reino Unido
Presented by: Simon BrattEvent language:


ISSUP Global presents its webinar on the Language of Addiction.
, Montevideo, Uruguai
Presented by: Marcela Carballo, Maria Eugenia FernandezEvent language:


ISSUP presenta su webinar sobre Intervenciones en Trastornos por Uso de Sustancias (TUS) con expertos de Uruguay: Una mirada desde la Psicología y la Neurociencia.