Format ISSUP Webinar Publication Date پ., 06/02/2022 - 12:00 Original Language Ukrainian Country اوکراین Themes Mental health Emergency Resources Keywords Ukraine emergency care refugee trauma psychological skills Speaker Dr. Patricia Watson Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Facebook Messenger Share via email Війна - психологічні навички подолання травмуючих подій: Як надати допомогу людям, які стали біженцями чи вимушеними переселенцями Submitted by Olivia Woodrow - د., 05/30/2022 - 16:55 This piece of content is not translated in دری. View the original content in Ukrainian here. Attachments Dr. Patricia Watson - Presentation Slides Skills for Psychological Recovery English Skills for Psychological Recovery Ukrainian Activities for Children and Adolescents HATS