Knowledge Share content from Türkiye
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Recent Knowledge Share content from Türkiye:
ISSUP Türkiye Launch & Gaming and Gaming Disorder: Beyond the Obvious

CAS 2024: International Conference on Drug Abuse and Addiction Studies
Welcome to CAS 2024:
Annual ISAM Conference
Country Report - Turkey, Day 4, 05:08-07:26
Frequency and severity of irritable bowel syndrome in cigarette smokers, Turkey 2019
Estimating the Impact of Achieving Turkey's Non-communicable Disease Policy Targets

2nd International Symposium on Drug Policy and Public Health, 26-27 November 2018
The 2nd International Symposium on Drug Policy and Public Health is organized by the Turkish Green Crescent Society and will be held in Istanbul in 26-27 November 2018.

Afghanistan – Pakistan Partnership Summit: Workable Solutions for the New Era
Participation Report: Afghanistan – Pakistan Partnership Summit: Workable Solutions for the New Era
May 4 - 8, 2018
Istanbul, Turkey

Does Trait Mindfulness Level Affect Quitting Cannabis Use? A Six Week Follow-Up Study
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