
Adfam is the only national charity tackling the effects of alcohol, drug use, or gambling on family members and friends. We improve life for thousands of people. We want anyone affected by someone elseś drug or alcohol use or gambling problem to have the chance to benefit from healthy relationships, be part of a loving and supportive family and enjoy mental and physical wellbeing. Adfam was also instrumental in the establishment os ISSUP UK and continues its collaboration as a member os ISSUP UKś Advisory Board.

De vraies voix dans le bénévolat

Adfam a publié cette trousse d’outils de bénévolat pour fournir toute l’information, les politiques, le droit et les ressources nécessaires au bénévolat, aux familles et à la consommation d’alcool et d’autres drogues. Les bénévoles ont...
Volunteering toolkit