
Los invitamos a participar en un webinar Prevención del consumo de drogas: desafíos y experiencias en tiempos de pandemia que se llevará a cabo el próximo martes, 9 de junio de 2020, 8:30 - 12:30 (hora de Chile).
ISSUP Ukraine is pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on Clinical Aspects of Substance Use Disorders. The webinar is scheduled to be presented on Thursday, July 2, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (Ukraine time). The webinar will be presented in Ukrainian and Russian. 
ISSUP Ukraine is pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on Educational Initiatives. The webinar is scheduled to be presented on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (Ukraine time) June 17, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (Ukraine time) Click here to register! Featured Speakers:
ISSUP خوښ دی چې مایکل بروبی د خپلو کارمندانو ټیم ته ښه راغلاست وایی چیرې چې هغه به د ISSUP ملی فصل عملیاتو کې د افریقا لپاره د سیمه ایز همغږی کونکی په توګه رول ولوبوی.
It is our pleasure to announce two presentations by Thom Browne Jr. (MA Criminal Justice, CEO of Colombo Plan) on the emerging and rapidly-changing properties of illicit drugs and their cutting agents that put substance users worldwide at high-risk for near- and long-term chronic health problems, overdose (fatal & non-fatal), and increased vulnerability to both the acquisition of viruses like COVID-19 and more severe complications from the virus.
“Ficar em casa” ou “Ficar em casa, se puder” têm sido as recomendações para aumentar a proteção e diminuir o risco de disseminação da COVID-19, doença que mudou o mundo em um piscar de olhos. Para muitas pessoas, esse tipo de mudança brusca pode gerar episódios de ansiedade, momentos de tédio e tristeza. Este confinamento costuma ter consequências mais graves naqueles que têm predisposição a desenvolver quadros de depressão, crises de pânico, compulsões e inclinações a vícios.
د ISSUP ګلوبل سره په شریکه، ایی اس یو پی جنوبی افریقا تاسو ته بلنه درکوی چی په جنوبی افریقا کی د بنابیس او ځوانانو په یو ویبنار کی برخه واخلی. دا ویبنار به د چهارشنبې په ورځ ، جون 3 ، 2020 د سهار په 10 :00 (د سویلی افریقا په وخت) وړاندې شی.
In partnership with ISSUP Global, ISSUP South Africa invites you to participate in a webinar on COVID-19 - what can be done through us. The webinar will be presented on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 9:00 am (South Africa time). June 3, 2020, 9:00 am - 10:00 am (South Africa time)  Click here to register for the webinar  Presenter: David Bayever
Abordando el futuro : Desarrollando un punto focal internacional y nacional para la reducción de la demanda de drogas پارا ایکسټر یو لوس ویبینارز، سیګ ایل لینک ډی کاډا ایپوسیټر/ ای: 👉 Livia Edegger , Subdirectora , Sociedad Internacional de Profesionales del Uso de Sustancias ( ISSUP ) 