Červen 2024

Navigating Ketamine

Location: Online

Learn more about ketamine, an aesthetic that is being widely researched. The webinar is designed to achieve an understanding of its class, route of administration, effects, tools for screening, and how this information is useful in delivering behavioral health services.

Time: 9:00 - 10:15 Eastern Time


Howard Cohen, MD

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Submitted on Úterý 28th Květen 2024 - 22:09
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Integrating Addiction Medicine with Treatment Courts

Location: Online

This 6-hour, live course provides the education needed for prescribing clinicians to strengthen skills in partnering with treatment court and advocating for patients who are involved in treatment court.

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Submitted on Čtvrtek 25th Duben 2024 - 10:48
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Webinar: The Global Civil Society Report

Location: Vienna, Rakousko

We are pleased to invite you to a webinar discussing the Global Civil Society Report. The Report was published together with the New York NGO Committee on Drugs in preparation for the 2024 mid-term review of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and showcases the insights of more than 200 NGOs.
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Submitted on Středa 29th Květen 2024 - 13:29
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Research Into Action Webinar: Changes in Mental Health Symptoms as a Predictor of Cannabis Coping Motives and Consequences

Location: Online

Join the National Coalition Institute for an upcoming Research Into Action webinar on Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. (EST), featuring Dr. Adrian Bravo who will share findings from his recent article, “Changes in Mental Health Symptoms as a Predictor of Cannabis Coping Motives and Consequences: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 Among College Students, published in Cannabis in 2023. He will discuss changes in depression and anxiety symptoms and using cannabis as a coping motive in young adults.

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Submitted on Pondělí 27th Květen 2024 - 10:59
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Building Inclusive Recovery Cities: An international movement for community building, recovery and prevention.

Location: Leeds, Spojené království

ISSUP Global Webinar

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Submitted on Pondělí 20th Květen 2024 - 10:49
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19. mezinárodní psychiatrický kongres, 7. mezinárodní kongres dětské a dorostové psychiatrie a 4. mezinárodní kongres závislostní psychiatrie a duální diagnózy

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Ve dnech 11. – 13. června 2024 se bude konat 19. mezinárodní kongres psychiatrie, 7. mezinárodní kongres dětské a dorostové psychiatrie a 4. mezinárodní kongres o psychiatrii závislostí a duální diagnóze.

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Submitted on Čtvrtek 7th Březen 2024 - 17:37
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"The Real Cost" 10th Anniversary Webinar: The Power of Prevention

Location: Online

Time: 3 - 4:15PM Eastern Time

This webinar will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the award-winning “The Real Cost” youth tobacco prevention campaign. It will feature opening remarks by Dr. Brian King, Director, Center for Tobacco Products and include a presentation and Q&A session with staff who work on “The Real Cost” campaign.

Topics to be addressed during the webinar include:

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Submitted on Neděle 9th Červen 2024 - 21:28
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Launch event: European Drug Report 2024

Location: Online

How is Europe's opioid market evolving? What substances are causing the most concern today? How are countries responding to cannabis use? Find out more when the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug

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Submitted on Pondělí 27th Květen 2024 - 11:01
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Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (22nd Session)

Location: Abuja, Nigérie

ISSUP Nigeria Webinar Flyer
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to the 22nd session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'Therapeutic Community as a model in the Management of Substance Use Disorders.'
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Submitted on Pátek 31st Květen 2024 - 15:22
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6. ročník mezinárodní konference Fuse

Location: New York, Spojené státy

Termín konání: 11. - 12. června 2024

 Mezinárodní konference Fuse o výměně znalostí v oblasti veřejného zdraví je příležitostí pro mezinárodní vědce, tvůrce politik, komunitní organizace a veřejnost, aby se setkali a zapojili se do diskusí o překladu výzkumu v oblasti veřejného zdraví, budování udržitelných kapacit a budování efektivních a trvalých partnerství.

Tématem je "Příslib zapojení veřejnosti do veřejného zdraví".  

Kdo by se měl zúčastnit? 

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Submitted on Pondělí 15th Leden 2024 - 21:53
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Increasing Your Effectiveness in Working with LGBTQ+ Populations

Location: Online

This is a beginner friendly, data focused training that covers LGBTQ+ identity, outcomes, and increasing patient engagement in services. The training will give participants a broad understanding of LGBTQ+ culture, demographic terms, the data on population experiences, and tools that can be used in patient care and within an organization as a whole. The training will make individuals more comfortable and confident when interacting with and treating LGBTQ+ communities.


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Submitted on Pondělí 27th Květen 2024 - 10:51
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Ketamine under the microscope

Location: Online

Jennifer Rushworth-Claeys, Director of Young Person’s Services at WithYou, invites you to an online learning event taking place on Thursday 13th June 2024 9.15 am to 10 am via Google Meet. 


This is an event for professionals supporting families and young people. The discussion will be covering:

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Submitted on Pondělí 20th Květen 2024 - 08:37
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2024 NIDA International Forum: Výzva k předkládání abstraktů výzkumných posterů a žádostí o cestovní ceny

Location: Montreal, Kanada

NIDA forum

Mezinárodní program NIDA spojí účastníky z celého světa na osobním mezinárodním fóru NIDA 2024, které se bude konat 14. až 17. června v kanadském Montrealu.


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Submitted on Pondělí 20th Listopad 2023 - 09:27
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Street Drugs Discussions: CBD

Location: Online

Curious about cannabidiol (CBD)?

Join this webinar on Fri, 14 Jun 2024 14:00 - 16:00 EEST for a discussion to explore:

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Submitted on Pondělí 20th Květen 2024 - 08:45
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Getting Stakeholders Vested in their Coalitions Growth

Location: Online

Getting Stakeholders Vested in their Coalition’s Growth and Sustainability Plans to Continue Important Prevention Work in the Community training will empower coalition staff with the tools and strategies necessary to engage and secure the commitment of key stakeholders. This session will provide participants with practical insights into the importance of sector investment in the sustainability of community prevention initiatives.

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Submitted on Neděle 9th Červen 2024 - 21:41
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Implementing the SPORT & Other Youth Substance Use Prevention Plus Wellness Programs: Free Webinar

Location: St. Augustine/Florida, Spojené státy

Session Objectives:

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Submitted on Sobota 18th Květen 2024 - 15:41
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5th Annual Congress on Psychiatry & Mental Health

Location: Online

Psychiatry 2024 conference is an event that brings together mental health professionals, researchers, and advocates to share the latest research, best practices, and innovative ideas in the field of psychiatry. These conferences provide an opportunity for attendees to learn from experts in the field, network with peers, and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in mental health care.

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Submitted on Pondělí 27th Květen 2024 - 11:20
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Cigarrillos Electrónicos y Vapeadores: Una Mirada Desde la Prevención

Location: Bogotá, Kolumbie

ISSUP Colombia Webinar flyer
ISSUP Colombia te invita a su seminario web sobre Cigarrillos Electrónicos y Vapeadores: Una visión desde la prevención
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Submitted on Pátek 31st Květen 2024 - 11:50
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47. výroční vědecké setkání Výzkumné společnosti pro závislost (RSA)

Location: Minneapolis, Spojené státy


Termín konání: 22.-26. června 2024

Hlavním cílem výročního vědeckého setkání RSA (dále jen "setkání") je poskytnout fórum pro výzkumníky v oblasti alkoholu – ze všech oborů – aby prezentovali své nejnovější poznatky a dozvěděli se o novém vývoji výzkumu v prostředí, které zajistí interakci na profesionální i osobní úrovni.

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Submitted on Pondělí 15th Duben 2024 - 17:45
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Evropská protidrogová letní škola 2024

Location: Lisbon, Portugalsko

Naše dvoutýdenní prezenční letní škola (od 24. června do 5. července 2024) připravuje odborníky a studenty na to, aby se vypořádali se složitými politickými výzvami, kterým Evropa a svět čelí v oblasti drog.
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Submitted on Sobota 9th Prosinec 2023 - 10:55
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Thessaloniki 2024

Location: Thessaloniki

The 2024 Global Event will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece between 24th & 28th June 2024. The event is organised by ISSUP and ISSUP Greece, INL, the Centers for the Prevention of Addictions, the Promotion of Psychosocial Health SEIRIOS and ICUDDR. The event will take place in the historic centre of Thessaloniki, on the premises of the ‘International Exhibition & Congress Centre of TIF-HELEXPO’ and surrounding conference rooms in museums and social institutions.
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Submitted on Úterý 16th Květen 2023 - 16:59
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The 34th Annual International Cannabinoid Research Society Symposium on the Cannabinoids

Location: Salamanca, Španělsko

The International Cannabinoid Research Society is delighted to announce that our 34th annual ICRS Symposium will be held from June 30 - July 5, 2024 – in Salamanca Spain. 

Our Organizing Committee is scheduling an exciting programme for our 34th Symposium: 

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Submitted on Sobota 22nd Červen 2024 - 15:14
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Location: Mwanza, Tanzánie

Collage of pictures during the event.

On June 30, 2024, Tanzania marked the culmination of World Drug Day in Mwanza City. During the event, the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania unveiled the "Tanzania Drug Policy," which underscores the importance of professionalism in addressing drug-related challenges. The event featured participation from governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as the broader community.

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Submitted on Pondělí 1st Červenec 2024 - 16:08
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