Job Board

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Welcome to our Job Board!

ISSUP supports the professional development of those working within substance use prevention, treatment and recovery. Here you will find information about available positions in the field from around the globe. We welcome ISSUP members to share advertisements for current vacancies in this category. Log in and post your job to the ISSUP job board.

YCSMAS Substance Misuse Practitioner - Girls and Young Women Lead - Islington Council

  • Location: Spojené království
  • Area of Work: Programme Delivery
  • Closing date:

Would you like to work in a team dedicated to improving the lives of young people in Islington?

Are you passionate about improving young people's well-being by tackling drug and alcohol use?

We are looking for an experienced substance misuse worker to join our amazing team of workers dedicated to improving the lives young people in Islington.

Youth Counselling, Substance Misuse and Alcohol Service (YCSMAS) is an integrated health service embedded within Targeted Youth Support that supports young people aged 12-21 to explore their feelings and navigate through life's challenges for a positive outcome.

In this role, you will be working with our substance misuse team to lead on supporting girls and young women across the borough through one-to-one interventions and workshops that will help help them to make better choices around drug and alcohol use. You will be undertaking a wide range of tasks including:

  • having non-judgemental conversations 
  • providing true-evidence based information 
  • creating customised care plans to reduce harm
  •  providing in-depth support using trauma informed practices
  • training adults and professionals on having conversations with young people around substance misuse
  • Promoting the service with the community

We provide an extensive ongoing training to support your growth and development as a substance misuse worker and you will be working within a team recently graded "Outstanding" by HMIP Inspectorate.


For further information or for an informal conversation about the post, please contact:

La'Vonne Ryan

YCSMAS Coordinator

YCSMAS [at] islington [dot] gov [dot] uk

0207 527 4269

Submitted on Čtvrtek, 9 Leden 2025 - 23:26

Post-Doctoral Associate - Big Data/ Neuroimaging Addiction - University of Minnesota

  • Location: Spojené státy
  • Area of Work: Research
  • Closing date:

We are seeking a highly motivated, self-driven Post-doctoral Associate for the Zilverstand lab in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Anna Zilverstand, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry and the lab Principal Investigator. 

The lab is part of the University of Minnesota Medical Discovery Team on Addiction, offering a multidisciplinary research environment. We directly collaborate with colleagues from the departments of Psychology, Radiology, Neuroscience and Health Informatics, amongst others. Our current research focus is investigating individual differences in the neurobehavioral factors underlying the onset and escalation of substance use. We use neuroimaging, behavioral tasks, surveys and clinical interview data to better understand the complex risk factors driving high levels of use. 

The candidate must have a strong background in computational methods and/or neuroimaging methods. The position will involve management and analysis of data from a NIH-funded project on individual differences in substance use disorders and/or related public data sets. 
We are committed to developing the careers of all lab members. The position, in conjunction with the University of Minnesota career development training programs, will provide opportunities for mentorship in scientific writing and grantsmanship, outreach and communication. 

Job Responsibilities include: 

  • Data management & analysis of multimodal large data sets. (60%) 
  • Contribute to the preparation of reports, IRB submissions, and grants and authorship of conference papers, posters and journal articles. (30%) 
  • Mentor undergraduate and graduate students on research projects. (5%) 
  • Participate in career training/development programs. (5%) 

This position is a two-year appointment with the possibility of extension. 

Submitted on Úterý, 7 Leden 2025 - 18:40

Psychologist - Child, Youth & Family Services - CAMH

  • Location: Kanada
  • Area of Work: Programme Delivery
  • Closing date:

CAMH is the largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital in Canada as well as one of the world's leading research centres in its field. Our services are delivered to help transform the lives of people affected by mental illness and addictions. Our goal is to tailor treatment to each individual, providing client-centered, comprehensive, coordinated care. As part of the Child, Youth, and Emerging Adult Program (CYEAP), the Child Youth and Family Services (CYFS) provides care and treatment to children and youth between the ages of 6 and 24. Clients and their families served by CYFS are offered specialized services and customized care across a day treatment/day hospital and outpatient continuum of care.

Position Description

Child, Youth and Family Services has partnered with the Toronto Northwest Justice Centre to provide targeted, multi-sector community supports and programming, which are designed to wrap around youth and break the cycle of offending while addressing the ongoing systemic problem of the overrepresentation of young Black and racialized offenders in the justice system. Justice Centres move justice out of the traditional courtroom and into a community setting by bringing together justice, health, and social services to address the root causes of crime, break the cycle of offending, and improve community safety. Participants are provided with opportunities to improve their social and economic futures focusing on re-connecting with education, developing life skills, improving family relationships, and addressing mental health and substance use concerns – all key protective factors against crime, violence, and recidivism.

The CYFS is seeking a part-time temporary (12-months) Psychologist, who will work largely with Black and racialized Justice Centre participants, between the ages of 12 and 24 years, and their families, who are accessing services through the Justice Centre and have identified mental health and/or substance use support needs. The incumbent will provide consultation to other professionals working with this population through CYEAP and across CAMH, and work collaboratively with the Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth (SAPACCY), and the Youth Justice Assessment Clinic (YJAC). This position will report to the Senior Manager of Child, Youth and Family Services.

The successful candidate will be responsible for providing both clinical psychological assessment and treatment.  Your duties include administering and interpreting psychological and psychoeducational standardized measures, preparing court-ordered psychological assessment reports, as well as providing feedback to staff and to families.  The successful candidate will also supervise and provide support to clinical students and staff in the clinical assessment of clients and the preparation of court reports. You will support a healthy workplace that embraces diversity, encourages teamwork and complies with all applicable regulatory and legislative requirements. This position is located at 80 Workman Way.

Submitted on Pondělí, 23 Prosinec 2024 - 10:44

Associate Drug Control and Crime Prevention Officer - UNODC

  • Location: Rakousko
  • Area of Work: Policy
  • Closing date:

The position is located in the Policy and Inter-Agency Coordination Team, Office of the Director-General/ Executive Director (ODG/OED) of the United Nations Office at Vienna/United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNOV/UNODC) in Vienna, Austria. The incumbent will work under the overall guidance of the Chief of ODG/OED and Strategy Advisor to the Executive Director and the direct supervision of the Policy Coordination Officer (Team Leader) in ODG/OED.

Within assigned authority, the Associate Coordination Officer will provide assistance to the overall policy and inter-agency coordination functions of ODG/OED and will be responsible for the following specific duties:

  • As a member of the team, assist with the preparation of briefing material, talking points, and other substantive documents for the Director-General/Executive Director’s (DG/ED) meetings and missions; ensure submission of material to the DG/ED within established deadlines and adhering to established quality standards.
  • Assist with the preparation of talking points and background information for the Secretary-General’s and other senior UN officials’ briefing material, as well as in reviewing submissions to reports of the Secretary-General or other high-level officials or UN bodies through ODG/OED, as requested.
  • Monitor incoming correspondence and manage the appropriate action in coordination with relevant UNOV/UNODC offices and draft and review correspondence for the signature of the DG/ED.
  • Assist in reviewing submissions to reports of the Secretary-General or other high-level officials or UN bodies through ODG/OED.
  • Assist in reviewing internal policy and programmatic documents, providing contributions to support the DG/ED’s decision-making, and offer policy support to the DG/ED for intergovernmental meetings and Member States groupings.
  • Attend meetings of the DG/ED, draft and review minutes, monitor and facilitate follow-up actions.
  • Contribute to the implementation of the inter-regional approach to drug control and crime prevention, through participation in interdivisional meetings and keeping the Chief of the Office abreast of new developments.
  • Contribute to addressing key institutional challenges to smooth and accountable delivery of programmes ensuring delivery with accountability; assist in supporting institutional change processes (such as enterprise risk management and others).
  • Support the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) functions of the Office, including risk monitoring and mitigation practices.
  • Contribute to addressing key institutional challenges to ensure smooth and accountable delivery of programmes; support institutional change processes, including Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) functions such as risk monitoring and mitigation practices.
  • Keep abreast of policy issues related to UNODC mandate areas as well as strategic and operational developments at UN HQs level and within UNOV and UNODC to ensure informed contributions to the policy coordination function, including:
  • Countering transnational organized crime and illicit trafficking: inter alia, human trafficking, smuggling of migrants, illicit trafficking in drugs, firearms and natural resources, money-laundering, emerging and re-emerging crimes such as drug-related crime, cybercrime, piracy and environmental crime.
  • Countering corruption: inter alia, preventing and combating all forms of corruption, fraud and identity theft.
  • Health and livelihoods (Drugs and HIV): inter alia, reducing drug abuse, drug dependence, drug-related diseases and other social consequences; implementing drug use prevention, interventions and provision of drug dependence treatment, care and rehabilitation, HIV prevention and care services as it relates to drug use, prison settings and other mandates of UNODC.
  • Contribute to the collection and analysis of data as well as identification of trends or patterns and provide draft insights through graphs, charts, tables and reports using data visualization methods for data-driven planning, decision-making, presentation and reporting.
  • Contribute to policy support activities of the Office and perform other work-related tasks as assigned.
Submitted on Pondělí, 23 Prosinec 2024 - 10:23

Vedoucí pracovník pro politiku alkoholu a jiných drog - Queensland Health

  • Location: Austrálie
  • Area of Work: Policy
  • Closing date:

Máme pro vás vzrušující trvalou flexibilní příležitost na plný úvazek připojit se k naší pobočce pro strategii a plánování duševního zdraví, alkoholu a jiných drog se sídlem v Brisbane CBD! Podporovat vývoj, realizaci a hodnocení systémového plánování a strategické politiky pro MHAOD ve spolupráci se zaměstnanci z celého Queensland Health a našimi nevládními, soukromými a mezivládními partnery.


Vedoucí pracovník pro politiku v oddělení strategie a plánování duševního zdraví alkoholu a jiných drog jako součást oddělení strategie a partnerství v oblasti alkoholu a jiných drog přispívá k vývoji, realizaci a hodnocení systémového plánování, strategické politiky a projektů pro MHAOD ve spolupráci se zaměstnanci z celého Queensland Health a naší nevládní organizací a podporuje je. soukromí a mezivládní partneři. To zase podporuje úspěšnou implementaci iniciativ a priorit v oblasti léčby aod a snižování škod vedených Queensland Health, včetně v rámci Better Care Together: plán pro státem financované služby v oblasti duševního zdraví, alkoholu a dalších drog v Queenslandu do roku 2027;  Posun myšlení: Strategický plán pro duševní zdraví, alkohol a jiné drogy na období 2018-23 včetně dosažení rovnováhy: Queenslandský plán pro alkohol a jiné drogy na období 2022 - 2027.

Submitted on Pondělí, 23 Prosinec 2024 - 10:08

Scientific analyst, Health and social responses (drug prevention) - EUDA

  • Location: Portugalsko
  • Area of Work: Monitoring
  • Closing date:

The EUDA is one of the European Union’s decentralised agencies. Based in Lisbon, it is the central source of comprehensive information on drugs and drug addiction in Europe.

The position we are recruiting for is situated within the Public health unit, and the selected candidate will be reporting to the Head of sector health and social responses, under the supervision of Head of the substance, harms and responses unit. The job holder will contribute to objectives and outputs that further enhance and promote the scientific competencies of the EUDA in the area of prevention of drug use and its consequences, including in the areas of health promotion, crime prevention and social responses to drug-related harms, in a systematic and integrated approach. Environmental, community-based, universal, selected and indicated prevention, early intervention and health promotion are key areas of focus. The job holder will be working within the framework of the EUDA’s mandate, responsible for implementing work programme activities, both sector-related and transversal.

Main duties:

The successful applicant will be requested to perform the following main tasks and responsibilities:

  • Act as a point of reference within the agency on health and social and responses to drugs, with a focus on prevention science and practice;
  • Coordinate the agency’s monitoring, implementation and evaluation of drug prevention and related interventions (health promotion, crime prevention, quality standards, etc.);
  • Play an active role in the agency’s work in the area of capacity building and training for drug prevention, including with the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) (1 ) and training of trainers, the prevention content-related e-learning platform PLATO, etc.;
  • Support the agency’s projects in the area of prevention interventions across European countries and beyond, such as the X-change registry of evaluated programmes, Healthy Nightlife Toolkit, etc.;
  • Keep abreast of the latest research and developments in the relevant fields and summarise scientific literature for the implementation of prevention interventions;
  • Contribute to the agency’s core work and main data collection tools and products, including the European Drug Report, the Best Practice Portal, the European Responses Guide as well as new services developed by the agency; • Represent the agency in scientific meetings and conferences;
  • Manage the administrative and organisational tasks relevant to the above, including the preparation of work plans, meetings and ad hoc reporting tasks;
  • Develop and manage contracts with external providers in the prevention area;
  • Any other duties stemming from the purpose of the post that may be assigned by the Head of sector and Head of unit. The job holder may be required to contribute to other areas of work, according to the needs and priorities of the EUDA. In order to perform the duties of the post and ensure effective communication with the actors and stakeholders involved, the main working language required for the job is English.
Submitted on Pondělí, 23 Prosinec 2024 - 10:00

Přednášející - Univerzita v Bathu

  • Location: Spojené království
  • Area of Work: Training/Further Education
  • Closing date:

O roli

Katedra psychologie se snaží získat lektory, kteří mají prokazatelnou kvalitu výzkumu, s mezinárodním dosahem a schopností přispívat k výuce v našich bakalářských a postgraduálních programech a zároveň rozvíjet naše výzkumné a výukové portfolio. Výzkum na katedře probíhá ve více než šesti hlavních podoborech psychologie, včetně klinické, kognitivní, vývojové, environmentální, zdravotní a sociální oblasti, a oddělení hledá kandidáta s odbornými znalostmi v těchto oblastech.

Vítáme kandidáty se silnými výzkumnými znalostmi v jakékoli relevantní oblasti psychologie, která zapadá do našich klíčových oblastí výzkumu. Obzvláště rádi přijímáme žádosti od kandidátů, kteří doplňují náš výzkum v následujících oblastech psychologie: závislost, autismus (se zaměřením na dítě/mládež), digitální aplikace (např. umělá inteligence), environmentální psychologie, psychologie bolesti a duševní zdraví mládeže.

V této roli budete:

  • Připravovat a realizovat výuku v bakalářských a postgraduálních programech katedry. To bude zahrnovat vývoj výukových materiálů, realizaci přednášek, seminářů a tutoriálů.
  • Vedle dohledu, hodnocení a hodnocení ročníkových prací a výzkumných disertací budete studentům poskytovat poradenství a podporu a také plnit manažerské a administrativní povinnosti související s výukou.
  • Tato role může také zahrnovat provádění návštěv studentů a také podporu příslušných týmů při mapování našich učebních osnov podle učebních osnov BPS v rámci přípravy na akreditaci.
Submitted on Středa, 18 Prosinec 2024 - 12:23