ITTC South Africa Online (Live) Motivational Interviewing Training 4 CPD Points August 2024
Location: Online
This free live training on Motivational Interviewing takes place weekly on Thursdays from 10am till 11am SAST on the following dates: 1, 8, 15 and 22 August 2024.
15th Biennial International Conference on Drugs, Alcohol and Society in Africa
Location: Abuja, Nigérie
The Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA) hereby announces its 15th Biennial International Conference on Drugs, Alcohol and Society in Africa. The conference will hold in Abuja on 7 and 8 August 2024.
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to the 23rd session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'Relapse Prevention for a Sustained Recovery in Substance Use Disorders'
Setkání INRC 2024 se bude konat v AnnArboru v Michiganu od 9. do 12. července. Poznamenejte si své kalendáře a připojte se k nám v krásném Michiganu, abyste získali nejaktuálnější pokrok v oblasti opioidů. Program si můžete stáhnout zde. Doufám, že se tam uvidíme!
INRC 2024 (9. - 12. července) bude zahrnovat plenární přednášku Dr. Javiera Gonzalez-Maesa, přednášku zakladatelů Dr. Howarda Fieldse a cenu pro mladého výzkumníka, kterou předá Dr. Lucia Hipolito.
Join us for the 37th Annual National Prevention Network Conference
Shining A Light on Prevention: Connecting Research, Practice, Innovation, and Equity
The annual NASADAD National Prevention Network (NPN) Conference highlights the latest research in the substance use prevention field. It provides a forum for prevention professionals, coalition leaders, researchers, and federal partners to share research, best practices, and promising evaluation results for the purpose of integrating research into prevention practice.
ISSUP Chile le invita a su seminario web titulado 'Aproximación al tratamiento en el tiempo: Trastornos adictivos, enfermedades crónicas y Recuperación '
Compassionate care: Top 5 tips for supporting pregnant individuals with substance use disorder
Location: Washington, D.C., Spojené státy
We are excited to share the invitation for the AUGUST Practical Knowledge Program (PKP) Event! Thanks to your active participation and request for more information about pregnancy and SUD, we are responding to that request with this month’s presentation.
This is an introductory course that provides hands-on experience in learning R, an interactive environment for statistical computing. R is a free, open-source software that can carry out advanced statistical analysis. The course will cover R syntax and commands, its basic functions, data cleaning, descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing (t-test, chi-square, ANOVA & Regression), and data visualization.
ISSUP Global presents an upcoming webinar on Enhancing Well-Being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners. Join us for an engaging discussion on this important topic with Dr. Natalie Panabokke.