Society for Prevention Research (SPR)

The Society for Prevention Research is an organization dedicated to advancing scientific investigation on the etiology and prevention of social, physical and mental health, and academic problems and on the translation of that information to promote health and well-being.

The multi-disciplinary membership of SPR is international and includes scientists, practitioners, advocates, administrators, and policy makers who value the conduct and dissemination of prevention science worldwide.

Peran kemitraan penelitian-praktik-kebijakan dalam mengoptimalkan ilmu pencegahan dan penggunaan bukti penelitian: kemitraan penelitian-praktik di Swedia untuk promosi ketahanan dan pencegahan penggunaan narkoba dan alkohol pada kaum muda

Scientific article
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting 2018 yang diselenggarakan 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS. Universitas Therése Skoog Gothenburg Universitas Charli Eriksson Örebro; Universitas...