Issue 3/2021

Dear readers,

also, this issue of the journal presents many interesting ar- ticles on various topics related to addiction. Mutual sign of research studies, despite their different thematic focus, is to show how important is to examine the determinants of cre- ation and development of addiction in various population groups, and also how important prevention programs are. Even if prevention is explicitly not the main aim of these stud- ies, the results presented in the research declare an impor- tance of prevention and formation of efficient drug policies.

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Maintaining the Provision for Professional Development in the COVID Era: Three Practical Examples


ISSUP participated in the European Society of Prevention Research (EUSPR) 2021 Conference which took place online from the 29th of September to the 1st of October by presenting an oral poster that focussed on three practical examples of provision offered in the COVID era by ISSUP.

Looking Ahead to the 2022 ISSUP Annual Conference: Uniting the Global Community to Face the Challenge of Addiction

In May 2022, join colleagues and allies from around the world for the ISSUP Annual Workshop and Conference.

ISSUP, ICUDDR, INL and NRC are partnering to provide this opportunity for our international network to come together online and in-person for networking, training, and discussion from the 11th to 16th of May 2022 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Register for the ISSUP International Conference on Evidence-Based Principles for Effective Drug Demand Reduction

We are excited to share details of this year’s ISSUP international conference with our readers.
بحث ترجمي حول آثار العلاج مع القنب في الإدمان
| Šulcová, A. (2021). Translational research on the effects of treatment with cannabidiol in addictions. Adiktologie, 21 (3), 161–165.
التقييم الشامل لدورة التعليم مدى الحياة عبر الإنترنت الوقاية والعلاج من اضطرابات تعاطي المخدرات للأطباء في الجمهورية التشيكية: بروتوكول الدراسة
Zborník, T. S., & Miovský, M. (2021). Comprehensive evaluation of the online life-long education course Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders for Physicians in the Czech Republic: Study protocol. Adiktologie, 21 (3), 179–183.
مفهوم تجارب الطفولة السلبية (ACE) في عينة بحثية من الأطفال المسجونين من الآباء المدمنين
Juhásová, A., Pavelová, Ľ., & Lulei, M. (2021). The Adverse Childhood Experiences concept (ACE) in a research sample of imprisoned children of addicted parents. Adiktologie, 21 (3), 139–150.
استهلاك الكحول من منظور اجتماعي واقتصادي: دراسة استعراضية
vanková, V., Gavurová, B., & Rigelský, M. (2021). Alcohol consumption from a social and economic perspective: A review study. Adiktologie, 21(3), 167–177.
عواقب تأمين وباء COVID-19 لرياضة مختارة – دراسة مقارنة
Bejtkovský, J., & Snopek, P. (2021). Consequences of lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic for a selected sport – Comparative study. Adiktologie, 21 (3), 151–159.
التفضيل وتغيير السلوك فيما يتعلق بالمواد المنشطة المنشطات المعززة للأداء في سياق جائحة COVID-19 العالمية
Snopek, P., & Bejtkovský, J. (2021). Preference and behaviour change regarding selected performance-enhancing anabolic androgenic substances and steroids in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Adiktologie, 21 (3), 129–137.