Issue 2/2021

Dear readers,

This issue of the journal Addictology offers you many interesting articles on addiction, while each article’s research area is very specific. Authors examine various aspects of addiction in connection with marketing processes and media communications, community treatment. The research also focuses on demographic characteristics, examination of behavioural changes, and also preferences of selected communities. Wide range of research themes in this journal’s issue proves a possible solution of addiction in different public and social spheres.

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Client’s Characterization in the Community Treatment Approach: Methodological Foundations and Evidence

Barros, R., Serrano P. I., Tufró, F., Canay, R., Carroli, M., Felix T. R., & Milanese, E. (2021). Client’s characterization in the Community Treatment approach: Methodological foundations and evidence. Adiktologie, Advance online publication.

BACKGROUND: The identity and social representation of people linked to drugs depend on their interaction with the system that collects and analyses the critical data used to describe it. AIM: The aim of this study is to see if by adopting a non-institutional and non-formal approach the drug users’ profile will be different from that in mainstream formal studies.

Carga biográfica e iniciación en el uso de estimulantes de tipo anfetamínico desde la perspectiva de los usuarios: el brazo cualitativo del estudio de investigación ATTUNE en la República Checa
Petruželka, B., Barták, B., & Laštovková, J. (2021). Adiktologie, Advance online publication.
Análisis de la comercialización de la industria tabacalera y la comunicación en los medios de comunicación en respuesta a la prohibición del cigarrillo mentolado en la República Checa en 2020
Kulhánek, A., Hejlová, D. Slíž, M., & Baptistová, A. (2021). Adiktologie, Advance online publication.
Educación de pregrado en adicción de estudiantes de medicina general: protocolo de estudio de un estudio piloto de investigación en las Repúblicas Checa y Eslovaca
Volfová, A., & Miovský, M. (2021). Undergraduate education in addictology of students of general medicine: Study protocol of a pilot research study in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Adiktologie, Advance online publication.
Validación de la escala checa modificada de adicción a la comida de Yale en una muestra representativa de adolescentes: conexiones con el índice de masa corporal y la impulsividad
Pipová, H., Dostál, D., Dolejš, M., Kafetsios, K. & Suchá, J. (2021). Validation of the Czech modified Yale Food Addiction Scale in a representative sample of adolescents: Connections with body mass index and impulsivity. Adiktologie, Advance online publication.