Villanueva-Blasco, V. J., Villanueva-Silvestre, V., Belda Ferri, L., Vázquez- Martínez, A., Isorna Folgar, M., Canay, R. y Abad Villaverde, B. (2024). Consumo de alcohol durante el COVID-19 en Latinoamérica según edad y situación de empleo. Revista Española de Drogodependencias, 49(1), 15-30.
This research evaluated alcohol consumption in the Latin American and Latin Caribbean adult population during COVID-19 confinement, taking into account age and employment status. Non-probabilistic design with convenience sampling, with a sample of 4975 participants. Age, employment status and alcohol consumption were analysed during confinement and retrospectively before the pandemic. The results show that regardless of the country, young people aged 18-29 decreased consumption during confinement; while the largest in- crease was in adults aged 45-54 years. Full-time workers consumed more than...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 13 August 2024
Nos complace anunciar que el proyecto de ISSUP Colombia ha sido seleccionado como uno de los tres mejores del Foro de Jóvenes celebrado en Grecia en junio de este año.
Abstracto. En el año 2019, cuando una mujer accede a servicios para tratamiento de Trastorno por Uso de Sustancias (Tus), con frecuencia llega en precarias condiciones: desnutrición aguda, sífilis, Virus de Hepatitis, Virus de Inmuno deficiencia Humana o derivada de centros de alta complejidad, como...
Learn about global drug trends from the authors of the World Drug Report 2024!
UNODC experts will present the World Drug Report 2024, giving an overview of the latest developments and diving into the most up-to-date global data. In the...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 1 July 2024
Published by / Citation
A global reference on drug markets, trends and policy developments, the World Drug Report offers a wealth of data and analysis and in 2024 comprises several elements tailored to different audiences.
Gleason-Comstock, J., Calhoun, C.B., Locke, B.J. et al. People who use drugs engagement in substance use disorder services and harm reduction: evaluation, challenges and future direction of a community-based intervention. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 19, 24 (2024).
Since 1996, an urban community-based organisation whose primary mission is to serve diverse94 and emerging community health needs has provided screening, testing, overdose prevention and training, referrals, and access to treatment for substance use disorders (SUD) and communicable diseases such as HIV through its Life Points harm reduction program.
As a partner in a State survey in 2021, the community organisation recruited a convenience sample of people who use drugs to participate in a survey focused on their substance use, healthcare, and barriers to SUD...
Stimulants are a class of drugs that act on the central nervous system, increasing alertness, energy, and attention while elevating mood. They achieve these effects by enhancing the activity of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.
Many stimulant-related hazards are linked to intensive, high-dose, or long-term usage. The mode of administration plays a significant moderating role; injecting stimulants and smoking crack cocaine or methamphetamine have been specifically associated with more problematic use behaviours. Even people who use stimulants sporadically or...
Brasesco, María Verónica - Canay, Roberto - Leiva Rodríguez, Luz M. - Rodríguez, Débora - Revista Iberoamericana de Justicia Terapéutica, ISSN-e 2718-6822, Nº. 5, 2022
Around the world, using drugs is connected to both the legal system and the health system. Studies suggest a link between drug use and crime, but they say it's not a direct cause. In many countries, the legal system is overwhelmed, and the responses to drug-related crimes might not be right for the people involved. While some experts focus on how drug abuse affects a person's choices, they often overlook the social and environmental factors. Drug Treatment Courts (DTC) were created as an alternative because punishing non-violent drug offenders with jail time didn't seem to help them...