Enhancing Well-being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners
Mental Health and Substance Use Among University Students in Ukraine During the War: Results of a Nationwide Survey
Cost-Effectiveness of Digital Mental Health Versus Usual Care During Humanitarian Crises in Lebanon: Pragmatic Randomized Trial
Digital mental health interventions for depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders are generally cost-effective, but evidence is lacking for guided digital mental health care in low and middle-income countries (LMICs)...
Relación entre el trastorno de depresión y la adicción a Internet en jóvenes del Aglomerado Gran Buenos Aires.
The present work seeks to analyse whether there is a relationship between the development of depression disorder and Internet addiction. For its development, the results of the Beck Depression Inventory were evaluated in a group of 60...
Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The report, "Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids 2024 Update," examines the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids, emphasizing their effects, efficacy, and the need for more rigorous research. Key...
Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain
Background: Limited research has been conducted on lifetime trauma exposure among individuals undergoing medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD). A multisite study provided an opportunity to investigate the prevalence of...
Looking Back: A retirement interview with Jeff Lee
Cannabis, Mental Health and Substance Use Health Summary Report
The Cannabis, Mental Health, and Substance Use Health: Research Knowledge Exchange Event Summary Report presents the findings and themes discussed at an event jointly hosted by CCSA (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction) and the...
Narcissistic Phenomena in Patients with Substance Use Disorder: Narrative Review
The interplay between pathological narcissism and substance use disorder (SUD) complicates diagnosis and treatment planning. A lack of clarity and consensus surrounding the different forms of narcissism has made it...
Stigmatizing imagery for substance use disorders: a qualitative exploration
Training for Trainers in Addressing Psychological Trauma in Combat Veterans and POWs in Ukraine
Here are the links to the Ukraine ITTC’s videos from their recent training in Prague for veterans, all presented in Ukrainian. Delve into these insightful sessions, covering a range of topics to empower and assist veterans on their...
2022 NSDUH Annual National Report
Read key findings from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This report highlights 2022 statistics on substance use, mental health, and treatment in the United States. These national indicators are...
Addiction Language Guide
The Addiction Language Guide serves as a comprehensive resource designed to address and combat stigmatizing language associated with addiction. Stigmatizing language often involves attaching negative labels and stereotypes to specific...
Science of Self-Care: How It Helps and Why It Matters
Summary Report: Experience and Expertise of People with Lived and Living Experience on the Integration of Mental Health and Substance Use Health Services in Canada
While integrated services for mental health and substance use health have been studied for more than two decades no recent or comprehensive reviews exist — particularly with a peer research methodology — on how the people who use these...
إدمان لشبونة 2024: دعوة لتقديم الملخصات
لشبونة للإدمان 2024 هو مؤتمر متعدد التخصصات يوفر منتدى للتواصل وفرصة لعرض أحدث الأبحاث. يهدف المؤتمر إلى إثراء تطوير السياسات وممارستها من خلال فهم أفضل للقضايا المعاصرة في علم الإدمان والسلوكيات الإدمانية.
سيعقد المؤتمر في لشبونة في...
Who Helps The Helper? A Skills Transfer Program for Behavioural and Substance Use Professionals
Health & Wellness in Recovery: Programs & Topics
The American Addictions Centers provide insights into how a healthy diet and exercise can enhance overall health and recovery. This resource offers an overview of the root of addiction and how to overcome it through healthy life habits...
Eight Dimensions of Wellness
SAMHSA explains the concept of wellness, encompassing physical and mental health. This resource elaborates on the eight dimensions of wellness that cover various aspects of modern-day life, highlighting the interconnection between physical...
Estigma de profesionales de la salud y psicosociales hacia personas que usan drogas
شارك المعرفة: يمكن لأعضاء جمعية ISSUP النشر في مشاركة المعرفة – التسجيل أو الإشتراك في عضوية