2025 NIDA International Forum: Research Poster Abstract Submission and Travel Award Requests
Join the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) International Program for the 2025 NIDA International Forum, which will be held June 13–14, 2025, at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
The Forum research...
Building the Foundation of Evidence-Based Practice: A Guide to Evidence-Based Substance Use Prevention Resources
Evidence-based practice (EBP) serves as the foundation for effective prevention strategies, ensuring interventions, programmes, and policies are grounded in the best available scientific knowledge.
This guide presents a curated...
#ScaleUp - UNODC initiative on promoting scalable and effective interventions for the treatment of stimulants use disorders
The UNODC #ScaleUp Initiative is a vital response to the growing global challenge of stimulant use disorders, which affect millions of individuals worldwide. In 2021, approximately 78 million people used substances like amphetamines...
National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS) 2023: Data on Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Mental Health Treatment Facilities
The National Survey of Substance Use and Mental Health Services (N-SUMHSS) is a voluntary, annual survey that collects data from all active substance use and mental health treatment facilities across the United States, its territories, and...
Self-Regulation and Risk Behavior of Adolescents Aged 15–20
INTRODUCTION: According to Brichcín (1999), a self-regulating person is someone who can resist the temptation of immediate gratification of their needs and is capable of achieving challenging goals. Self-regulation represents the ability to...
A rationale for an orientation towards systems of prevention
Prevention aligned with science and standards advocates for a person-focused rather than a drug-focused perspective when articulating responses and services. Such a perspective follows a narrative that early initiation to substance use is...
The Power of Collaboration Project: Substance Use Disorder treatment for women
The Power of Collaboration is a joint project between ISSUP and the GWN. This initiative delves into three critical areas in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for women:
Aspectos Toxicológicos del consumo de Cocaína
ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (25th Session): Non-Conventional Psychoactive Substances in Nigeria: Understanding Trends and Implications for Public Health
The Relationship Between Depressive Symptomatology and Alcohol Consumption in the Latin American Population Based on Gender and Age
The comorbidity between depression and alcohol consumption is a public health concern, affecting progression, treatment adherence, and outcomes. Alcohol use in Latin America exceeds the global average. This study examined the...
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни»
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни» відбулася у Києві 10-11 жовтня 2024 р. у гібридному форматі (офлайн і онлайн).
Examining the Role of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Patterns in Bystander Opportunity and Behavior for Sexual and Relationship Aggression
A study was conducted to examine how patterns of alcohol and cannabis use are associated with bystander intervention in situations involving the risk of sexual and relationship violence among college students. Researchers aimed to explore...
A Perspective on Psychedelics as Treatments for Addictions
Psychedelics have been used across different cultures for thousands of years, with historical evidence of substances like ayahuasca in South America, mescaline from cacti in North and South America, and ibogaine in West Africa. Despite this...
Call for Proposals: 2025 NIDA International Forum
IntNSA Annual Conference 2025: Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline: Extended to October 31, 2024 at 11:59pm Central Time
The International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) invites you to submit an abstract for oral and/or poster session at the Annual Educational Conference!
Day 3, 11:00 - 12.30, ISSUP, Investing in Public Health
Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 28th of June, 2024.
Moderator: Joanna Travis-Roberts - ISSUP Chief Executive
Hamad AlGhaferi - Public Health of Addiction
Michal Miovsky - Example of fully functioning...
Call for applications: Health Research at the Nexus of Humanitarian Crises and Climate Change
The Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and partner organizations will host a Global Forum on Humanitarian Health Research (GFH2R) inclusive of public webinars and an in-person meeting in May 2025...
World Health Organization Risk Drinking Levels Among Mandated College Students: Associations With Alcohol Use, Mental Health, and Academic Performance
The World Health Organization (WHO) uses risk drinking levels (low, moderate, high, and very high risk) as a measure for reducing alcohol consumption in clinical trials. However, these levels have not been specifically evaluated for...
Why Do Only Some Cohort Studies Find Health Benefits From Low-Volume Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Study Characteristics That May Bias Mortality Risk Estimates
This study looks at how certain factors in research can skew the results when estimating the health effects of drinking small amounts of alcohol. These biases can affect public health advice and shape how people view alcohol’s potential...
Overdose Resource Exchange (ORE)
Overdose Resource Exchange (ORE) is a central collection of CDC-reviewed communication materials and educational resources about opioid misuse, addiction, treatment, and overdose prevention for state, territorial, and local health...
Contribuye al Intercambio de Conocimientos: Miembros de ISSUP pueden publicar artículos en el Intercambio de Conocimientos – Entra o hazte miembro