Dias de especialista do ISSUP

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Estamos empolgados em anunciar nossa série de webinar ISSUP Expert Days.

Os Dias de Especialistas do ISSUP oferecem oportunidades para aqueles que trabalham na prevenção, tratamento e recuperação do uso de substâncias aprenderem e se desenvolverem por meio do contato direto com especialistas.

Participe de webinars, revise webinars gravados e entrevistas, sessões de Perguntas e Respostas e use os diversos recursos, ferramentas, materiais e documentos para informar sua própria prática.


Upcoming ISSUP Webinars

ISSUP Chile Webinar Flyer
, Santiago, Chile
Presented by: Juliana Mejía-TrujilloEvent language:


ISSUP Chile le invita a su seminario web titulado 'Prevención a través de medios de comunicación social.'
ISSUP UK Webinar flyer
, London, Reino Unido
Event language:


A ISSUP UK apresenta um webinar no dia 22 de outubro sobre "Estratégias para superar o estigma: abordando o transtorno por uso de substâncias no Reino Unido".
ISSUP Argentina webinar flyer
, Online
Presented by: Dr. Nicolás Poliansky PhD, Maria Eugenia FernandezEvent language:


ISSUP Argentina lo invita cordialmente a su seminario web sobre Uso de Internet en Adolescentes: Riesgos, Consecuencias y Vínculos con el Consumo de Sustancias y el Juego.
ISSUP Argentina Flyer
, Online
Presented by: Barbara CorralEvent language:


ISSUP Argentina lo invita cordialmente a su seminario web sobre Maternidad y Recuperación: Experiencias de un dispositivo residencial para mujeres embarazadas y/o con sus hijos/as en Argentina.  

Past ISSUP Webinars

ISSUP Chile Flyer
, Santiago, Chile
Presented by: Marcela RodríguezEvent language:


ISSUP Chile le invita a su seminario web titulado 'Estrategias de prevención laboral y el marco legal, basado en una experiencia chilena'
ISSUP-RUN Webinar flyer
, London, Reino Unido
Presented by: David Best, Chantelle Pepper, Mulka Nišić, Jimena Kalawski, Michael Botticelli, Boro Goic, Anja Busse, Matej Košir, Elisa RubiniEvent language:




ISSUP Global, in collaboration with the Recovered Users Network (RUN), presents a joint webinar titled "Building Bridges: Enhancing Global Recovery Systems for International Recovery Day " to celebrate International Recovery Day.
Alternatives to Incarceration.
, Washington DC, Estados Unidos
Presented by: Michele Worobiec, Yvonne Olando, Massimo BarraEvent language:




ISSUP, in collaboration with ICATI, presents the final episode of its ATI Basics webinar series, titled 'Models of Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI).
ISSUP ICUDDR Webinar flyer
, Stockholm, Suécia
Presented by: Johanna GripenbergEvent language:


ISSUP, in collaboration with ICUDDR, presents a webinar on Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems (STAD)'s Community-Based Interventions.
ISSUP Nigeria Webinar flyer
, Lagos, Nigéria
Presented by: Honest AnabaEvent language:


ISSUP Nigeria presents the 24th session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'Cannabis Use Disorder - Changing Trends and Treatment Approaches'.
ISSUP Argentina Webinar
, Buenos Aires
Presented by: María Verónica BrasescoEvent language:


ISSUP Argentina presenta su webinar sobre el Impacto de la desinformación y desinformación sobre drogas en niños y adolescentes.
ISSUP Global Webinar 28-08-2024
, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Presented by: Nathalie PanabokkeEvent language:


ISSUP Global presents its webinar on Enhancing Well-Being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners with Dr. Natalie Panabokke.
ISSUP Colombia Webinar flyer
, Bogota, Colômbia
Presented by: XOCHITL MEJIA MENCIASEvent language:


ISSUP Colombia presenta su su seminario web sobre Perspectiva de Género en el Ámbito de las Sustancias y las Adicciones.
ISSUP Webinar Flyer
, Santiago, Chile
Presented by: José Luis del Campo SteigerEvent language:


ISSUP Chile presenta su seminario web titulado 'Aproximación al tratamiento en el tiempo: Trastornos adictivos, enfermedades crónicas y Recuperación '
ISSUP Nigeria Webinar flyer
, Lagos, Nigéria
Presented by: Nkemakolam NdionukaEvent language:


ISSUP Nigeria presents the 23rd session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar focuses on the topic of 'Relapse Prevention for a Sustained Recovery in Substance Use Disorders'