Published by / Citation
Age Scotland & ASH Scotland
Original Language


United Kingdom
AGE Scotland

Smoking and Dementia


Dementia is a set of symptoms associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. This can include problems with memory loss, thinking, mental agility, language and understanding. Dementia is common – around 90,000 people in Scotland have the condition - and the risk of it developing increases as you get older. Research has identified a number of risk factors that are associated with the development of dementia. Some of these, like age or genetics, can’t be changed; however there are others, such as smoking, which we may be able to change, which could help lower the risk of getting dementia. Many of the risk factors for dementia are also risk factors for other medical conditions such as heart disease and cancer, so making small changes in your lifestyle can help protect you from a variety of health issues. This leaflet looks at smoking as a risk factor for dementia, as well as the other harmful effects smoking can have.

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