binge drinking

The Brain of Binge Drinkers at Rest

Scientific article
Background: Previous studies have reported anomalous resting brain activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of alcoholics, often reflected as increased power in the beta and theta frequency bands. The effects of binge drinking, the most...

A Sip as a Kid, Alcohol Problems as an Adult?

Introducing children to alcohol by way of their parents allowing them sips or tasters of their own drinks is typically viewed as the presiding method used in European countries. Published in the journal Psychological Medicine, a new...

Teenage Binge Drinking and Future Offspring’s Brain Development

Scientific article
Frequent binge drinking during your teenage years can affect the brain functioning and development of your future offspring, according to new research published by Loyola University. Indeed, the study suggests that excessive alcohol...

The Internet and Alcoholism

Scientific article
The prevalence of binge drinking is highest amongst 18- to 24-year-olds. In the United States around 1,800 college students die from unintentional alcohol-related injuries each year. Given the growth of the Internet in the last twenty years...

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