New Project Implementation: Diversity Tour to Worship Places in Pakistan

Khairpur, Pakistan,

Mr. Ahmad Shah as a Consultant for the Youth Development Foundation helped implement their new project in Khairpur, Karachi, Pakistan on the 26th of December 2018. The “Diversity Tour to Worship Places” provided opportunities to bridge the growing gaps among different faiths and communities through youth initiatives by pointing out the commonalities of all faiths and by fostering interfaith understanding and cooperation and spending time in safe spaces. The concept of physically going to different places of worship was a more tangible experience than sitting in a neutral conference room. Walking through the Temple, Gurduwara, Church and Mosque naturally triggered many important and necessary questions about the things and symbols that we saw, and the level of openness was heightened through the humble awareness of being a visitor in someone else’s holy place. The project helped to create an environment where religious conflicts are set aside and relationships and partnerships among diverse youth can develop and flourish.

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