Networking Lounge 12:30

Are you enjoying the event so far? What was your favourite presentation and why? I´d like to hear it.



Yes, I'm enjoying... I liked Prof. Michal's presentation as he talked about developing & implementing NQA policy and control in school based prevention of risk behaviors.... 

We are in dire need to implement such policies here (in Pakistan) at higher Sec level...


الموقع ذاخر بالمعلومات وطريقة نقل المؤتمر وتقسيم الموقع للحصول على الملومات عن هذا المجال احترافية،اتمنى في المستقبل التركيز على دور الادارة الاحترافية والحوكمة والتخطيط في تعزيز فعالية تقديم البرامج المتخصصة في الوقاية والعلاج من الادمان


Learning from one of the plenary sessions that it's possible to figure out the particular medication compatible with an individual's DNA is amazing. That can engender significant progress in adherence to treatment regimen. 


sammie wasake, Mbale - Uganda

I find this conference very resourceful so far and i am confident that it will be of help in my  program delivery in schools and media based interventions.