Call for papers: International Mental Health Journal

Mexico's National Institute of Psychiatry, "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz" began editing its official publication in 1977, "Salud Mental", which is currently indexed in: WoS, ScopuS, Academic Search Premier, SciELO, PsycINFO, IMBIOMED, RedALyC, LILACS, DIALNET, Latindex, and the Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT).

Manuscripts submitted to "Salud Mental" go through a process that follows scientific publishing ethical policies. The Internal Review Board selects papers suitable for publication that must undergo a second double-blinded review by experts in each field. Only some reach the final stages of the editorial process and get included in the journal's volumes. Besides the editorial pieces, original research, reviews, communications, and letters to the editor featured in the bi-monthly publications, monographic supplements on various mental health-related topics have appeared in special editions. Currently, there is a call for papers to be included in the following special issue entitled "Mental health in health sciences students: an analysis from academic and professional performance in Mexico and Latin America."

Manuscripts must contain the results of original qualitative or quantitative research and comprise the essential sections of scientific reports and systematic reviews. Researchers must register as authors and submit the corresponding files exclusively at the journal's site:

The deadline for receiving proposals is November 7, 2022.

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