Scientific article
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Brinkley-Rubinstein, L et al. (2018). A randomized, open label trial of methadone continuation versus forced withdrawal in a combined US prison and jail: Findings at 12 months post-release. Drug & Alcohol Dependence , Volume 184 , 57 - 63
Original Language


United States
methadone maintenance treatment

A Randomized, Open Label Trial of Methadone Continuation versus Forced Withdrawal in a Combined US Prison and Jail


  • MMT during incarceration leads to lower injection drug and heroin use.
  • MMT during incarceration leads to fewer non-fatal overdoses.
  • MMT during incarceration leads to higher rates of engagement in treatment.


Recently incarcerated individuals are at increased risk of opioid overdose. Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is an effective way to address opioid use disorder and prevent overdose; however, few jails and prisons in the United States initiate or continue people who are incarcerated on MMT. In the current study, the 12 month outcomes of a randomized control trial in which individuals were provided MMT while incarcerated at the Rhode Island Department of Corrections (RIDOC) are assessed. An as-treated analysis included a total of 179 participants—128 who were, and 51 who were not, dosed with methadone the day before they were released from the RIDOC. The results of this study demonstrate that 12 months post-release individuals who received continued access to MMT while incarcerated were less likely to report using heroin and engaging in injection drug use in the past 30 days. In addition, they reported fewer non-fatal overdoses and were more likely to be continuously engaged in treatment in the 12-month follow-up period compared to individuals who were not receiving methadone immediately prior to release. These findings indicate that providing incarcerated individuals continued access to MMT has a sustained, long-term impact on many opioid-related outcomes post-release.

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