drug use

Supporting Young People who Hear Voices & Use Drugs or Alcohol

Event Date
United Kingdom

There has been increasing awareness of the relationship between drugs and hearing voices in young people, but much less is said about what it might be like for a young person who uses drugs and hears voices, and even less about ways to support a young person in this situation.

University Survey: What Do You Think about Drug Use?

Liverpool John Moores University is conducting a new research study and is inviting people from the UK to take part. This study investigates what members of the public think about issues related to illegal drug use and involves completing a...
Liverpool John Moores University

Chemsex: More than just Sex & Drugs

Supporting a friend, partner, or family member affected by problematic alcohol or drug use can be difficult. Adfam has released a new resource to inform and providing advice on how to look after your wellbeing and as well as that of your...

Annual Report: Use of Narcotics in City of Lahore

The Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) & Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) have published the latest annual report on the use of narcotics in Lahore. The report gives an overview of the current situation in Lahore and outlines the...

End of Life Care and Substance Use Conference

Event Date

This national conference focusses on end of life care for people with problematic alcohol and drug use. It will showcase findings from a unique research project exploring end of life care and problematic substance use. This will include the voices of people with experience, families, friends, carers, the professionals who work with them, and what existing evidence tells us. 

Monitoring Drug Use in Recreational Settings across Europe

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) have released their latest technical report “Monitoring Drug Use in Recreational Settings across Europe: Conceptual Challenges and Methodological Innovations”. The report...

Report on Drug Use in the Americas 2019, Executive Summary

Drug use continues to represent a significant problem in the Americas, and one that challenges policy makers at the highest levels. The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (known by its Spanish language acronym, CICAD), of the...

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