Change of the Executive Director of ISSUP Czech Republic

ISSUP Czech Republic wishes to announce the resignation of Mgr. Barbora Povýšilová, who has been serving as the Executive Director since the establishment of ISSUP Czech Republic. Barbora has been an integral part of ISSUP Czech Republic since its existence.

Barbora's contributions played a vital role in laying the groundwork for the establishment of ISSUP Czech Republic, and her dedication and efforts were essential in the establishment of ISSUP Czech Republic. It is largely thanks to her, and her hard work that ISSUP Czech Republic stands where It does today.

Barbora became an executive director of ISSUP Czech Republic in January 2020 and has remained the lead of ISSUP Czech republic till mid – 2023. Barbora is currently on maternity leave and is enjoying the time spent with her child.

Department of Addictology of First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague maintains the commitment towards ISSUP and would like to announce that Mgr. Vendula Pokorná is becoming the new executive director for the ISSUP Czech Republic. Vendula is a counselling worker in substance use and prevention and research worker with focus on counceling telephone quitline and postgradual education of workforce in adictology.

ISSUP Czech Republic is looking forward to further developing ISSUP and building on the work Babora has done and for the further cooperation with other National chapters.