Prevention Measures Are the Best Way against Drug Use

A great number of people ask what is the best way to combat the psychoactive substances use and the answer is simple: Prevention, through education and information.

According to the Schools National Health Research (PeNSE - 2015), approximately 2.6 million students who attended the 9th grade of high school in 2015, 55,5% (1.5 million) had already used alcohol at least once, which is a higher percentage to the one observed in 2012 (50,3% ou 1.6 million). The number for those who had already tried ilegal drugs increased from 7,3% (230,2 thousand) to 9,0% (236,8 thousand) at that same time. In relationship to the current use of alcohol and ilegal drugs, respectively, 23,8% (626,1 thousand) and 4,2% (110,5 thousand) of the students had used those substances over the last 30 days of the research.

From 2012 to 2015, the early experiment on alcoholic beverage went up from 50,3% to 55,5%. As well as the experiment the current alcoholic beverage use is bigger amongst girls. The experimentation indicator was of 56,1% to girls and of 54,8% for the boys, and the current use was of  25,1% for the girls and 22,5% for the boys.

These are worrisome Data, CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) studies have stated that 90% of drug addicted people have started taking drugs before turning 18. What does that mean? That the Prevention role is very important in order to avoid and delay, to the maximum, the beginning of drug use, once children and teenagers’ brains are still developping and the earlier the individual engages on substance use, the bigger will be the chances of them becoming addicts.

That is why, drug use PREVENTION was set to be the main topic in our event, which will have the participation of 12 international lecturers, 36 national lecturers, 12 moderators for the theme panels, international conversation rooms, among other parallel events.

The 6th Freemind International Conference 2019 is: Not having a future would be a shame. What is the impact that alcohol and tobacco have on our children?  The event is brought to you by Freemind Mobilization and Brazil National Chapter-ISSUP (International Society of Substance Use Professionals) and it will take place from 4th to 7th December, in Águas de Lindóia, in São Paulo State.

The registrations for the 6th Freemind International Conference can be done online through the website  

Find in our website the full list for Speakers, the Schedule for every Auditorium, all of our event supporters and partners

ISSUP and the Freemind Mobilization

ISSUP is a global, non-government organisation to support the development of a professional and treatment network and to serve as a focal point for information about substance use prevention and treatment. The ISSUP National Chapter in Brazil came about from the need of creating a focal point to gather institutions, professional and volunteers who work in the drug use reduction field across the country.

Among ISSUP supporting entities are: World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), Organization of American States (OAS), The Asia-Pacific Cooperation Agenda, African Union and  the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

Freemind Mobilization is the ISSUP host entity in Brazil and it came abaout after a random encounter its creator had with a young drug addict, wounded and hungry, in the middle of the night in São Paulo. From then on people got together and started a group trying to do something about this crisis that saddens Brazil and the world: drug addiction. Accordint to its creators (Dedé and Paulo Martelli), the main focus of this mobilizations is to raise awareness within society about the great problem of drugs.


Event: 6th Freemind International Conference
Date: 4th to 7th December, 2019
Opening: 7:00 PM
Venue: Centro de Convenções do Hotel Majestic
Address: Praça Dr. Vicente Rios, 160 - Jardim Paraíso, Águas de Lindóia - SP

For more information
Tel: 19997930240
Contact: Bruna de Oliveira Fernandes
E-mail: brunadeoliveiraf [at] gmail [dot] com (brunadeoliveiraf[at]gmail[dot]com)