Working Conditions in Quarantine, Pandemic and Addiction
ISSUP Argentina invites you to participate in a webinar on quarantined working conditions, pandemics and addictions. The webinar will take place on May 22, 2020 at 10:00 hrs (Argentina time).
May 22, 2020 at 10:00 hrs (Argentina time)
Click here to sign up for the webinar
Exhibitors: Dres. Roberto Canay and Ernesto Eduardo González
University of the Argentine Social Museum (UMSA)
In the early 2020s, with the COVID 19 Pandemic and compulsory quarantine, there has been a large proliferation of consequences in the field of work and its new adaptive schemes such as teleworking. This presentation documents the aftermath and effects of these realities and how they affect workers, from the perspective of analysis, with the aim of understanding how remote work is organized, when their working conditions are challenged by proposals that propose a change in the traditional working format and the consequences of problematic consumption of psychoactive substances under these conditions. We suggest that remote labour programmes that promote changes in the working environment should provide for an accompaniment to the management of public or private companies that do not have preconditions that allow significantly and appropriate appropriation of the proposed innovations.
Keywords: remote labour reintegration (telework) – addictive problems in working conditions at home - decent working conditions under pandemic conditions.