Abstract Studies on the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) and its risk factors have shown worldwide the preponderant role of accidents and violence in the burden of disease and the role of alcohol consumption as a main risk factor in the...
Intimate-Partner Violence and its Relationship With Substance Consumption by Mexican Men and Women: National Survey on Addictions
Abstract Introduction: Research findings about intimate-partner violence (IPV) have focused mostly on women as victims of violence. Recent studies show the importance of violence inflicted by women towards men or between same-sex couples...
US-MX Border Rural Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Response: Lessons learned in program planning and implementation
On Wednesday, February 17, 2021, starting at 03:00 PM (Washington, DC time), Maryland Rural Opioid Technical Assistance initiative (MarylandROTA) invites you to the webinar “US-MX Border Rural Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Response: Lessons learned in program planning and implementation."

Gender Matters? How Does Gender Shape Risk Environment for Syringe Sharing among People who Inject Drugs in Northern Mexico. Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey
Abstract Introduction. HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs (PWID) is 5%. Studies have found an HIV prevalence of around 10% among women who inject drugs (WWID) and 5% among men. Objective. To describe characteristics of risk...
Sociodemographic differences between inhalable users, other drug users and non-consumer teens in a Mexican student sample
Summary Introduction: Inhalables such as glue, thinner and other petroleum derivatives are one of the most widely used groups of substances among the Mexican adolescent population. Recent studies have shown that, along with marijuana...
Suicide Ideation and Behavior in Mexico: Encodat 2016
Objective. To provide updated information regarding the 12–month prevalence and associated sociodemographic factors for suicide ideation and behavior (plan and attempts) to substantiate preventive programs in Mexico. Materials and methods...
Magnitude and Extent of Gambling Disorder in the Mexican Population
ABSTRACT Introduction: Gambling disorder is characterized by an uncontrollable need to gamble, lack of control over gambling, prioritizing gambling over other activities, and continuing to gamble despite the negative consequences this...
Current situation of drug use in children and alternatives for its comprehensive care
For the care and prevention of addictions Institute invites you to attend a Webinar using Webex.
Topic: Current situation of drug use in children and alternatives for its comprehensive care
Rapporteur: Prof. María José Martínez Ruiz
Director General technical regulations of the Commission national against Addictions
Smoking Susceptibility as a Predictive Measure of Cigarette and E-Cigarette Use among Early Adolescents
Abstract Objective: To assess the validity of a standard measure of smoking susceptibility for predicting cigarette and e-cigarette use in a sample of early adolescents in Argentina and Mexico. Materials and methods: A school-based...
Patrones de consumo de heroína en una cárcel de la frontera norte de México: barreras de acceso a tratamiento
RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia del consumo de heroína, los patrones de inicio, el alto consumo y la dependencia a esta sustancia e identificar barreras que impidan a los adictos acudir a tratamiento. Material y métodos: El...