
Opioid Treatment Resources

Emergency departments are often the first point of contact for individuals who have overdosed or suffering from the effects of opioids. Despite the vital role practitioners within this service provide, there has been, up until now, little...

Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Ethos, Dose, Organisation

Seminal work from Australia identified these as the three pillars of medication-based treatment of drug dependence; they form the kernel of this bite’s exploration of organisational influences on these treatments. Ethos, dose, and...

Commissioning Impact on Drug Treatment

Based on research, financial data and stakeholder surveys and testimonies, the UK government’s official drug policy advisers warn that without significant efforts to protect investment and quality, in England “loss of funding will result in...

The Opiate Epidemic - Free Access Article Collection

Although the abuse of many substances has declined across the globe in recent years, the misuse of prescription and non-medical pharmaceutical opioids has significantly increased. The Taylor & Francis Group, which publishes peer-reviewed...

Great Resources for Teachers

Are you a teacher? Are you looking for materials or lesson plans on the effects of drugs and drug abuse? The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has created a great database of more than 70 teacher materials on the effects of drugs and...

Overdose Aware App

The Overdose Aware App offers practical advice on the signs of overdose and what to do if those signs are present. It aims to raise awareness among those who are experiencing drug use and their families. The App provides only information...
Overdose Aware App

Helping Young People Lead Healthy Lives

'Listen First' is a drug prevention initiative that aims at raising awareness around listening to children and youth as the first step to help them grow healthy and safe. This global campaign targets parents, teachers, policy makers, health...
Listen First Campaign

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