Kenneth Finn

Marijuana still not helping the opioid epidemic

Kenneth Finn - 26 January 2021

Given the US has seen yet another record of opioid overdose deaths, it is more apparent that marijuana is not helping.

Increased deaths strongly correlates with more states legalizing for medical and recreational purposes

The preliminary data from CDPHE for 2020 (4th quarter numbers will likely go up once finalized in a few months) is almost unbelievable. 

Compared to 2019 alone, in one year in Colorado there has been:

Prescription opioid deaths  78.5% increase

Fentanyl deaths: 110.9% increase

Cocaine deaths: 44%  increase

Meth deaths: 23.9% increase

Heroin deaths: 17.5% decrease

90% of MMJ cards are for pain in Colorado and we have had MMJ for 20 years.

Where has marijuana helped our opioid/drug epidemic?

Not happening here.

Marijuana is a companion drug, not an opioid substitute