María Fernanda Vargas Hernández

Association of Cannabis Use in Adolescence and Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Young Adulthood

María Fernanda Vargas Hernández - 17 August 2021

A total of 11 articles met the inclusion criteria for the metaanalysis: 7 for depression, 3 for anxiety, for suicidal ideation, and 3 for suicide attempts. To estimate the extent to which cannabis use during adolescence was associated with increased odds of developing depression in young adulthood, they pooled results from 7 studies.The pooled OR for depression during young adulthood among cannabis users compared with nonusers was 1.37. Cannabis use during adolescence was associated with increased odds of developing anxiety in young adulthood when pooling 3 studies. Suicidal ideation is a symptom of depression, while suicide represents one of the most severe sequelae of mental illness. Results from 3 studies that had measured the association of cannabis use during adolescence with subsequent suicidal ideation within adolescence and in young adulthood were pooled with a resultant OR of 1.50. For the number of suicide attempt outcomes within adolescence or during young adulthood, the results were pooled with a resultant OR of 3.46.