Rafi Khawar

Stigma and Association of D/C words.

Rafi Khawar - 1 October 2022

Stigma and Association of D/C words.
Rafi khawar ...pakistan
Addiction treatment field is growing rapidly on EBP. This field is offering positive  regard to patients and using positive vocabulary and terms in this regard.now in modern literatures on Addiction treatment ,person with substance use disorder is being used instead of Addict.This kind of emotional care is praise worthy and highly appreciable to reduce or minimize shame and guilt.
There is an indication of two associated words having potential to make the positive efforts weak.
In other words pair of these two words is not in favour of positivity of EBP .These two words are Drug and Crime which pulls us towards Moral model instead of Disease model.. for example..UNODC.



I am interested in knowing the alternative right expressions to provide psychological and emotional support to people with substance use order.

Should UNODC change its name?
i don't understand .