Rafi Khawar

Professional Brought up

Rafi Khawar - 21 October 2022
  • *Professional Brought up* ..
     *Rafi khawar* 
    We are in the field of counselling just as when we are in a hotel and we select our food from menu list.we order and we eat joyfully.
    Imagine please,we are sitting in a self/professional  Grooming hotel and we have menu  in our hands..we are reading it.
    We look our surroundings and observe no one is there,we are alone in a big hall.after reading that menu ,we decide nothing is special here.we put the menu card on the table and walked outside and got nothing except deprivation.
    Hunger has a power to eat only without choices.
    We make choice when we are not hungry actually.we set our meals before hunger.
    Suppose we are hungry and come to our home.what will be our first  Question about food????
    We will focus on availability..we will not make choices there 
    So in professions,we make opportunity how to get knowledge,how to groom.what dishes (people) are good for my professional,emotional,social brought up??
    What kind of professional market (people,institutions,Books, etc)i have around me?
    What is my self analysis??
    What is my behaviour with Recieving people ang Donners in my professions.
    What are my planning (Avoid these people or connectedness with these??I am jealous and making plans to criticize such people or i am admirer of such people..All things matter a lot for Professional Brought up..
    Grooming makes us more visible..
Tasleem Akhtar
Amazing , i always inspired by your work. I like your way and the concept in books written by you.
Tasleem Akhtar
Amazing , i always inspired by your work. I like your way and the concept in books written by you.
thank you sir
Anam mahmood

Brilliant piece of writing .