Wazhma Rateb


Wazhma Rateb - 14 November 2022
Pregnant women drug users


Wazhma Rateb

The effects of opium on pregnant women.

The use of opium and its derivatives has many risks for the mother and the fetus.

Of course, its use during pregnancy should not be stopped suddenly.

Quitting these substances should be under the supervision of a doctor and gradually, because sudden withdrawal causes severe withdrawal symptoms and problems such as premature birth.


Wazhma Rateb

Why is it more difficult for women to quit addiction?

Why women?

Women's addiction recovery is associated with more difficulties than men. Women have a more vulnerable spirit and physical and mental differences have a direct impact on the duration of withdrawal and recovery. On the other hand, women's body is less resistant in terms of neurological and immune structure, that's why it is not possible to implement all addiction treatment methods on women. Society's view of women addicts and the severity of behaviors and reactions from family, friends and society towards women addicts are much worse than men. Maybe addiction is common and more natural among men, but family restrictions on addiction are more common among women and girls. For this reason, they take action to quit addiction when all the complications and symptoms are identified and there is no possibility of concealment. On the other hand, we are well aware that the longer the time from the start of use to the withdrawal, because the dependence on drugs is greater and more and more severe symptoms appear, the withdrawal process and its period become longer and more difficult.