James Harvey

Opening remarks at the 4th WHO Forum on Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behaviours

Shared by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) - 27 June 2023
Originally posted by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) - 27 June 2023
4th WHO Forum on Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behaviours World Health Organization
ISSUP Chief Executive Joanna Travis-Roberts addressing Forum attendees

We are pleased to inform you that the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) gave their opening remarks at the esteemed 4th World Health Organization (WHO) Forum on Alcohol, Drugs, and Addictive Behaviours earlier today, 27th June 2023.

The Forum aims to critically evaluate past achievements while directing our focus towards the future, emphasising the tasks, challenges, and opportunities that lie ahead.

During her address, Joanna Travis-Roberts, Chief Executive ISSUP, emphasised the crucial importance of incorporating workforce development and effective communication into the discussions and work of all attendees gathered at the Forum. Recognising the significance of these factors, ISSUP expressed their willingness to provide unwavering support in this endeavour.

As an organisation committed to furthering workforce development globally in the field of substance use prevention, treatment and recovery support, the Forum provides a valuable opportunity for ISSUP to actively engage in discussions and advocate for the advancement of our mission.