Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

The Science and Policy of Marijuana

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 10 May 2019

Science and policy are often in tension with one another. Such is the case with the evolution of marijuana policy over the past several years as implemented by the states. There are those who believe marijuana should stay as it is—a controlled substance strictly regulated by the federal government, which views marijuana as highly addictive and without medical value. There is a subset of Americans who believe it should be readily accessible for medicinal uses, regulated in ways similar to other accepted pharmaceuticals. And there are those who believe that the legalization of “recreational” marijuana is the direction in which the U.S. should move. Join a scientist who leads the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a physician, and a policy maker from a jurisdiction where recreational marijuana has been legalized to address what science reveals about the addictiveness of marijuana and its effects on the human brain and behavior, the status and evidence of its medicinal value, and what the implications are for policies that legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal and/or recreational uses.



J. Michael Bostwick, M.D. Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Minnesota


David Grosso Councilmember At-Large, Council of the District of Columbia


Nora D. Volkow, M.D. Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health

Niurka Elizabe…

Las funciones ejecutivas es un proceso que abarca varias funciones, dentro de las que podemos mencionar la planeación, atención, toma de decisiones, memoria, desinhibición entre otras. Sin estas funciones no pudiésemos desenvolvernos de manera adecuada, es de ahí que presentar cualquier alteración a nivel de nuestro lóbulo frontal podría traducirse en una serie de dificultades que implicarían la vida personal, intelectual, emocional y otras más. La corteza prefrontal es la parte del cerebro que más tiempo tarda en desarrollarse. La maduración del cerebro es un proceso que se completa hasta finales de los 20 a 25 años de edad, siendo la parte de la corteza prefrontal, la última en mielinizarse.
Best JR, Miller PH, Jones LL. Executive functions after age 5: Changes and correlates. Dev Rev. 2009; 29(3):180-200