Karen Belanger

Facts About Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Karen Belanger - 27 December 2019


Over the past decades in the U.S., studies were performed to determine the efficacy of drug-free workplace programs.  Here are some of those results:


  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance claims: 38% to 50% of all claims are related to substance abuse in the workplace; substance abusers file three to five times as many claims.
  • Medical costs:  Substance abusers incur 300% higher medical costs than non-abusers.
  • Absenteeism: Substance abusers are 2.5 times more likely to be absent eight or more days a year.
  • Lost productivity: Substance abusers are one-third less productive.
  • Employee turnover: It costs a business an average of $7,000 to replace a salaried worker.
  • Having a drug-free workplace program helps employers to: save money by reducing workers’ compensation insurance claims, proactively address substance abuse issues with a clear policy, save employment costs, improve worker morale, and increase productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Legal advisors have generally encouraged employers to: implement a strong program, or strengthen an existing one, in accordance with state laws and be consistent in adherence to your company policies and standards.


What substance abuse in the workplace facts do you know from your country?  Are they similar or different to those from the U.S.?  Why?