
Launch event: European Drug Report 2024

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How is Europe's opioid market evolving? What substances are causing the most concern today? How are countries responding to cannabis use? Find out more when the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug

Trends in Alcohol-Related Deaths by Sex in the US, 1999-2020

Scientific article
Abstract Importance Alcohol consumption rates have been increasing among women in the US, which may affect mortality rates and sex gaps. Therefore, conducting a comprehensive assessment of sex differences in alcohol-related deaths is...

Alcohol Toxicology

ISSUP Colombia invites you to its Webinar on Toxicology of drugs of abuse.

Alcohol Toxicology

Event Date
ISSUP Colombia invites you to its Webinar on Toxicology of drugs of abuse.

World Drug Report 2023

For the first time since its conception, this year the World Drug Report consists of two products, a web-based element and a set of booklets.

Webinar for Civil Society: The World Drug Report 2023

Event Date

The event is jointly organized by the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) Civil Society Unit and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC).
Ms Chloe Carpientier (Chief, UNODC Drugs Research Section) will present the main findings of the World Drug Report 2023, followed by inputs from civil society experts and an interactive questions and answer session.

European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments

The European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments presents the EMCDDA’s latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug supply, the report contains a comprehensive set of national...