License in psychology
Master Studies in Drug Dependencies
Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapist
Diploma in School Prevention of the Use of Psychoactive Substances - Cayetano
Heredia Peruvian University
Trainer for Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free (CHILD) Curriculum. ISSUP Colombo Plan
Training of trainers (TOT) on the Universal Prevention Curriculum – Coordinator series
INEP Plus Online Prevention Programme provided by Charles University and ISSUP and can operate as a Facilitator for the INEP Plus Programme for ISSUP Peru National Chapter. First Faculty of Medicine – Praga, República Checa– Department of addictology
Implementer of Positive School Climate practices - Lions Clubs International Foundation, Lions Quest Program. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, 2019
Implementer of Unplugged (School prevention curriculum) - HOGENT University (Belgium), Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, 2019
15 years of experience in the field of demand reduction
Implementation coordinator of the School Prevention Program of the Use of Psychoactive Substances. Duties include training of school teachers and technical assistance for effective implementation of the school intervention as part of the Demonstration and Evaluation of the UPC Series Study in Peru 2107-2021, with support of The Colombo Plan and the Peruvian Section of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, USA Peruvian Embassy. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, 2017 and continues.
Trainer at the UPC aimed at decision makers of leading drug organizations in Chile and Guatemala - Colombo Plan
Remote implementation of Lions Quest Family Connection during the COVID-19 pandemic, Peru
Objective: Implement remotely Lions Quest Family Connection (FC) during the pandemic for improving the learning environment at students’ homes resembling the positive school climate.
Rationale: The pandemic made necessary to remotely implement the school substance use prevention program based un the Universal Prevention Curriculum in Peru. Among the components of the intervention, it was adapted and implemented CF, which allows improving family functioning, promoting a better environment for learning, and preventing risk behaviors and substance use.
Methodology: This case study was carried out in 19 Peruvian schools. The intervention population were families of the schoolchildren. FC is a program that seeks that student connect social and emotional skills with their families: The program was adapted following the UNODC guidelines, and with the supervision of an LQ Master Trainer. Nineteen modules of FC were implemented from June to December 2020.
Results: An online survey was made to schoolchildren before and after the intervention. At baseline, it was found that 8% perceived their families dysfunctional, 69% moderately dysfunctional, and 23% highly functional. After intervention, they reported 6%, 64% and 30% respectively.
Conclusions: It was possible to remotely adapt and implement FC and observe an improvement in the family functioning of Peruvian schoolchildren.