Vladimir Poznyak is a Head of the Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behaviours Unit at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and in that role is responsible for coordination and implementation of a wide range of activities on alcohol and drug policies, prevention and treatment of substance use disorders and related health conditions, public health dimensions of gambling and gaming. Dr Poznyak has been in the forefront of the WHO Secretariat’s work in support of development and implementation of the WHO Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, Global alcohol action plan 2022-2030, 11th revision of International Classification of Diseases for disorders due to substance use and addictive behaviours, collaborative program with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on drug dependence treatment and care. He has coordinated several large international research projects implemented under the auspices of WHO in such areas as injection drug use, alcohol and injuries, drug dependence treatment and HIV/AIDS, screening and brief interventions for substance use. Prior to joining WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr Poznyak had served the program on alcohol and drugs in the WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen (Denmark) on several time-limited appointments. He is a medical doctor with specialization in psychiatry and PhD in addiction medicine, as well as with extensive clinical and academic experience in the areas of public health, psychiatry, medical psychology and addiction medicine. Dr Poznyak has published extensively (more than 120 publications), also in high profile journals on public health, substance use and addictive behaviours, mental health. He has received several international awards, including the International Award of Excellence in International Leadership from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), USA.