Launching ISSUP Member Profile Badges

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new website feature for ISSUP members.

Badges will now appear on your profile and ‘My ISSUP’ dashboard. The new badges are designed to give important information to other members that view your profile. 

For example, they will show you how many years someone has been an ISSUP member, what workshops and events they have attended, how many articles that they have posted to the Knowledge Share, and much more.

Here are a few of the badges you will see:

ISSUP Membership

Below you can see how badges appear on member profiles and your personal dashboard:

ISSUP Membership

Badges will be automatically added to your member profile as you join and begin interacting with the ISSUP platform. Numbers on the badges will automatically change depending on how many years you have been a member. They will also display the number of posts and articles you contribute to Networks and the Knowledge Share areas of our website.

We are very excited about the potential for badges to enhance your ISSUP experience. We have lots of great ideas in the pipeline for new badges and functions that will help all members to get to know each other better.