Commission on Narcotic Drugs 65th session Side Events- Thursday


8.00 – 8.50 a.m (CET)

Operational Activities, Training and Prevention Projects carried out by Law Enforcement and Fight Against Narco-Terrorism

Organized by Turkey

Long-Term Effects Intra-Uterus Exposure to Synthetic Opioids

Organized by the UNODC Liaison Office in Geneva with the support of Canada, and the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Service

Global Access to Medicinal Cannabis: Programs, Challenges and Solutions

Organized by the European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies with the support of the Veterans Action Council

9.00 – 9.50 a.m (CET)

Narcotics River: The flow of Captagon and NPS “Tropicamide”

Organized by the United Arab Emirates

Improving drug data collections: building on the revised ARQ

Organized by the Data Development and Dissemination Section of UNODC Research and Analysis Branch with the support of the Group of Friends of UNODC Research

Responding to drug-related challenges in the cyberspace: Vulnerabilities and opportunities to engage civil society

Organized by the UNODC Civil Society Unit with the support of Switzerland, and the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs

Prevention of Drug Trafficking through Anti-Corruption Measures in the Custom Service

Organized by the International Anti-Corruption Academy

Challenges & Opportunities After Cannabis Reclassification: Expanding Research, Promoting High Standards & Protecting Public Health

Organized by the Community Alliances for Drug Free Youth

The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Latest developments and impact on Foreign Nationals

Organized by the Harm Reduction International with the support of Australia, Austria, Mexico, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group and the European Union and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Nordic decriminalisation and criminalisation models - lessons learned

Organized by the Foreningen for Human Narkotikapolitikk with the support of the Correlation-European Harm Reduction Network and the International Drug Policy Consortium

12.15 – 13.05 p.m (CET)

Increasing early treatment and engagement of offenders with a drug dependence

Organized by the United Kingdom with the support of Australia, Mexico, Portugal and Singapore

Victim of trafficking in the drug treatment system: towards a comprehensive and inclusive COVID- 19 health response

Organized by the UNODC Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section with the support of the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section

UNODC Strategic and operational responses in and around Afghanistan, as well as the wider region

Organized by the UNODC Regional Section for Europe, West and Central Asia with the support of the Russian Federation, and the Paris Pact Initiative

Won’t Somebody Think of the Children? Youth Welfare in Drug Policy

Organized by the Students for Sensible Drug Policy with the support of Canada, the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy, and the Youth RISE

Young Women Who Use Drugs - Breaking the Silence

Organized by the Youth RISE (Resource, Information, Support, Education) Limited with the support of the Women and Harm Reduction International Network

The Shortcomings and Side Effects of Substance Scheduling

Organized by the HIV Legal Network with the support of Canada, the Netherlands, and the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Transform Drug Policy Foundation and the Transnational Institute

Children and Families Affected by Parental Drug Use: current gaps and promising practices

Organized by the Dianova International with the support of Croatia, Italy, and the Association Proyecto Hombre, the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group and the San Patrignano Foundation

Drug Endangered Children: Identification and Program Success Stories

Organized by the Drug Free America Foundation with the support of the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children, the Turkish Green Crescent Society and the World Federation Against Drugs

13.10 – 14.00 p.m (CET)

Increasing and ensuring access to essential controlled medicines, including during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

Organized by Australia with the support of Belgium, El Salvador, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, the Union for International Cancer Control, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section and the World Health Organization

Subregional Cooperation Strategy (Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador) to strengthen the Interdiction of Drug Trafficking and Chemical Precursors: a model to follow on international cooperation

Organized by El Salvador with the support of Colombia

New Approaches to National NPS Control – What Are “Generic Approaches”?

Organized by Japan with the support of the United Kingdom, the United States, and the International Narcotics Control Board

Drug Use, Mental health and HIV among People in Prison Settings

Organized by Namibia with the support of the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section

Pakistan’s National and Regional responses to drugs and crime in light of current regional challenges 2022-2025

Organized by the UNODC Country Office Pakistan with the support of Pakistan

Practical Measures for the Prohibition of Arbitrary Detention in the Context of Drug Control Measures

Organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights with the support of Canada, Ghana, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the Commission of Human Rights of the Philippines, the European Union, the Harm Reduction International, the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the International Network of People who Use Drugs, the National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria, the Penal Reform International, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the UNAIDS and the World Health Organization

Promoting Evidence-Based Interventions of Civil Society in Collaboration with Member States and International Organizations

Organized by the Association Proyecto Hombre with the support of Spain, Uruguay, and the Dianova International, the Global Research Institute Foundation, the Red Iberoamericana ONGs que trabajan en Drogas y Adicciones, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs

Decriminalisation in the Americas: towards a more humane drug policy

Organized by the México Unido Contra la Delincuencia with the support of Mexico, and the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Elementa DDHH, the HIV Legal Network and the International Drug Policy Consortium

Global Risks of Cannabis Commercialisation: Lessons learned from targeted marketing strategies towards women

Organized by the World Federation Against Drugs (WFAD) with the support of the Drug Free America Foundation, the Movendi International, the Smart Approaches to Marijuana and the Women's Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues

Joining efforts to make better data on drugs in Africa a reality

Organized by the African Union Commission with the support of the UNODC Data Development and Dissemination Section and the UNODC Regional Office for West & Central Africa

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