Treatment While Unhoused: Providing MOUD to Populations Experiencing Homelessness


Time: 3PM - 4PM Eastern Time

Webinar Description: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 111,000 people died from a drug overdose in the 12-month period ending last September. Unhoused individuals are especially at risk of overdose deaths. Recent studies show that of people experiencing homelessness, drug-overdose accounted for 1 in 4 deaths. As drug-related overdose deaths continue to rise, the need for innovative, early intervention and harm-reducing services are especially relevant. Programs across the country have begun to develop strategies to reduce harm in these at-risk populations. Come join us as we profile one such program that is focused on providing life-saving medications and interventions to unhoused populations.

Educational Objectives:

  • Examine the current state of substance use in unhoused populations.
  • Describe an innovative program providing harm-reduction services to unhoused populations.
  • Identify solutions and challenges to sustainability of early-intervention programs for unhoused populations.

Credit Available: CE Credit(s): No
Certificate: Certificate of Attendance, 1-hour

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