
Introducción a la Ciencia de la Prevención

Todos invitados, si eres estudiantes de práctica profesional de carreras de las ciencias sociales, educación o salud o estas cursando un magister, si estas interesado en la prevención del consumo de drogas, te invitamos a participar de este curso. Quienes postulen deben enviar su solicitud adjuntando curriculum y carta de motivación al correo chile [at] issup [dot] net (chile[at]issup[dot]net) hasta el 20 de abril

14th EUSPR Conference

Event Date

EUSPR 2023 is being held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in October 5th and 6th 2023, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the pre-conference day, October 4th. 

Our theme this year is ‘Optimizing Prevention Infrastructures’ and our keynotes and special sessions will focus on discussing the challenges facing prevention science.  

OSFE Prevent App

App sobre prevención! El juego OSFE Prevent ya se puede descargar desde las tiendas Play y Apple.
OSFE Prevent App

The Changing Status of Marijuana and It's Implications for Prevention

Event Date

In this Prevention Talk, APSI will address the implications that the changing status of marijuana has for prevention and how prevention science can help us address these issues through family, media and environmental interventions.  During the talk you will have the opportunity to hear from three renowned researchers and experts in substance use prevention:

Pathways 2 Prevention Podcast

Join us for Drug Free America Foundation’s ‘Pathways to Prevention’ podcast as we engage stakeholders from across the drug demand reduction spectrum including government, academia, clergy, preventionists, treatment professionals, and...

Early Prevention of Drug Use: Understanding and implementing the UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention for Effective Prevention Strategies and a Healthy and Safe Child Development

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Namibia in collaboration with UNODC are pleased to present their Webinar on Early Prevention of Drug Use: Understanding and implementing the UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention for Effective Prevention Strategies and a Healthy and Safe Child Development.