2019 Conference on Academic, Social and Emotional Learning

Chicago, United States,

The 2019 CASEL Conference will provide the opportunity for multiple generations of stakeholders to engage in cross-disciplinary conversations that catalyze new partnerships and drive action. The learning agenda will explore cutting-edge science, practice, and policy. The gathering will reflect social and emotional learning in both content and form, including experiential activities for participants to engage in and bring back to their communities.

As a collaborative, CASEL brings together stakeholders with differing perspectives and expertise, all committed to improving outcomes for children and communities.

Therefore, the conference audience, including presenters, will be a powerful cross section of the field, including but not limited to: education decision-makers such as state and district administrators, local, state, and federal policy-makers, civic leaders, funders, educators, researchers, practitioners, program developers, community-based and non-profit partners, assessment experts, parents, and young people.

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